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Build support for Linux in projects using DOTS

Discussion in 'Linux' started by mmotrifork, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. mmotrifork


    Sep 17, 2018
    I have a Unity project based on DOTS using Unity Physics that I would like to do a standalone Linux build of.
    Is there any way to do this today?
    If not, when is build support for Linux planned?

    I can build to macOS and Windows using macOSClassicBuildConfiguration and WindowsClassicBuildConfiguration, but I do not see a LinuxClassicBuildConfiguration option.
  2. topher_r


    Unity Technologies

    Jun 14, 2019
    Make sure your project has the package Platforms Linux added.
    Screenshot from 2020-11-18 10-24-00.png

    From there, you can just duplicate either the macOS or Windows build configuration you have and change Platform to Linux.


    You can do right click in a project folder Create->Build->Linux Classic Build Configuration. Then you must specify the base configuration on the inspector of this new asset. Under Shared Configurations->+ Add Configuration
    Screenshot from 2020-11-18 10-28-55.png

    The Base Build Configuration could be named different in your project. But it is essentially whatever is in that field for your current macOS or Windows configuration assets.

    I'm going to guess that you didn't create the macOS and Windows configurations yourself. Were they from a Physics sample project or similar? We ship Linux build configurations in the ECS Samples repo here:

    So if we're missing them somewhere else, please let me know :)