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Build Automation while Editor is Open

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by SynergiAios, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. SynergiAios


    Feb 3, 2015
    Hi, I'm looking for a solution for my current need:

    I have setup a Build Method to be called via .cmd to Build all my different Settings (Server, Client, ...)

    This is nice to have, but there is one problem that really anoys me:

    calling the method via batchmode does only work if I have the editor closed to the project. I know Unity can't have a project open in 2 isntances. This is fine and I can accept it. But:

    It should be possible to tell unity, what happens when you press the "Build" button in the BuildSettings Window. That way I can build not the selected things, instead use my script.

    As there is an asset called BuildAutomation, it seems to be possible via script to trigger the unity build and provide build settings.

    So what I want to know, if I write my own Unity Editor Plugin to build, where do I find references to write my own Build window that uses my custom Build Settings?
  2. SynergiAios


    Feb 3, 2015