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Bugs(?) within the Tile Palette window and future suggestions.

Discussion in '2D Experimental Preview' started by jessewwarner, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. jessewwarner


    Jun 30, 2017
    • I'm trying to set the positions of my tiles in the tile palette so they match how they will mostly be used in my game. The problem i'm having is every time i move the tiles, if i add a new tile to the palette or save a scene all the tiles revert back to where they were placed when I dragged them into the palette. Is there a way to save the new positions (hacky or not) or am i just missing something?
    • This may not be a bug but should be addressed. If I am in paint mode and then i click edit because lets say i want to move some tiles in the tile palette around. If i don't explicitly click another option or unclick paint mode it starts painting tiles in the tile palette and overrides existing tiles i want to keep. Maybe make it when you click edit it deselects any selected options and drops all selected tiles.
    • Make undo work in the tile palette!!! Undo in Edit>Undo says Undo Edit Palette, but it does not :( I dont know how many times i have accidentally painted new tiles in the palette and deleted tiles and undo doesnt work. when i have 150 tiles in a palette and don't know which one(s) i deleted this is incredibly frustrating.
    • Now that unity has implemented the tilemap (Which despite its current infuriating bugs I still love! :D) It would be nice if in the sprite editor under Edit Physics Shape would could also edit what sort of 2d physics it creates (edge collider, box collider, circle collider, NONE, etc...) I have entire palettes (50+ tiles) that i need to be jump through but not fall through with using ray casts that check to make sure i'm not within the collider but above it, so i have to manually edit the boxes that get generated to be only one pixel thick and it feels hacky and like it will cause problems at some point, rather than simply having an edge collider generated.
    that is all i really have at the moment. If any of these things are fixed already or I am just missing how to do it please let me know Thank You!
  2. Johaness_Reuben


    Jan 27, 2016
    Thanks for the good feedback. Greatly appreciated!
    1. I think thats a bug, which has been addressed.
    2. Its by design, but good point, maybe have it switch to Select tool on entering edit palette mode.
    3. Undo in Palette will be available fixed.
    4. Could you elaborate more on what you're trying to achieve, I'm not sure if I understand correctly. But from what I understand - I often use a separate tilemap and tileset to organize my collliders, instead of having colliders and physics shapes on all my tiles. A little more work in terms of painting levels but more control and less fiddling about with all my tiles physics shapes. Plus if I can setup a RuleTIle for it then painting is way more fun extra work. :)
  3. jessewwarner


    Jun 30, 2017
    Sorry it's taken me a while to reply. My problem is I need edge colliders on some of my tiles and Physics shape editor only supports polygon colliders. If i set the vertices to all be flat at the top of the tile, the raycast misses it which seems like a bug in itself for the polygon collider.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017