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Bug with two keyboard keys pressed or released simultaneously

Discussion in 'Input System' started by Zexar98, Mar 19, 2022.

  1. Zexar98


    Apr 4, 2019
    Bug with two keyboard keys pressed or released simultaneously - Unity Forum

    I have the same problem (sorry for my bad english, i am spanish).

    Unity 2021.2.12f1
    Input System 1.3.0

    In a 2D game with URP, i have 2 movement buttons (move left / move right). In adittion Jump, Dash, Attack.
    So I have a player controller script (in a Prefab with rigibody2d, sprite renderer, etc):

    private PlayerInputSystem playerInput; //Input System//
    private InputAction inputSlide, inputJump, inputAttack, inputMove;

    private void Awake() => playerInput = new PlayerInputSystem();

    private void OnEnable()
    //Enable controls//
    inputSlide = playerInput.Player.Slide;
    inputSlide.performed += OnSlide;

    inputJump = playerInput.Player.Jump;
    inputJump.performed += OnJump;
    inputJump.canceled += OnJump;

    inputAttack = playerInput.Player.Attack;
    inputAttack.performed += OnAttack;

    inputMove = playerInput.Player.Move;

    private void OnDisable()
    //Disable controls//




    private void Update() => horizontalMove = inputMove.ReadValue<float>();

    FixedUpdate { here rigidbody.Movement = horizontalMove and more code... }

    private void OnSlide(InputAction.CallbackContext ctx)

    private void OnAttack(InputAction.CallbackContext ctx)

    private void OnJump(InputAction.CallbackContext ctx)

    In Unity editor work as expected, but when i am going to generate release apk (LZ4HC compression method, net framework 4, il2cpp) and i am going to install to my personal android mobile, is not working as expected (as Unity editor).
    If i Move Right and Move Left, in some cases canceled event is not executing (keeps performed phase).

    If I change/reload scene with the same Prefab Player (enable/disable controls), player prebaf sometimes starts jumping, dashing or attacking (i think it is the same as movement case -> composite binding, simple button, etc. I think Input System has a internal bug in android).
    If i am going to next level, when i am going to move right, and I am going to up my finger, player move lefts (because input system continues executing move left from other scene. Input System keeps phase i think, so move.disable() i s not working as expected i think).

    In editor no problems, only in android generated apk.

    My input actions:
    Move Value Axis -> 1D Axis with Left/Right arrow (Negative/Positive)
    Jump button Z (initial state check false)
    Attack button X (initial state check false)
    Dash button C (initial state check false)

    No processors/Interactions
    In canvas using On-Screen Button (Input System Script). If I press in Unity editor with mouse or keyboard key works as expected

    Input System is life for me, but in this state is unusable for me