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BUG when disconnecting Gamepad on Build?

Discussion in 'Input System' started by meganinja, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. meganinja


    Apr 2, 2015
    Hello guys,

    My project is not answering very well when I disconnect a controller from the computer. First of all, in the editor using the Input Debug window, when I disconnect the controller and try to connect again Unity doesn't show up the controller on Input debug again. I always need to restart the editor. Okay, it's annoying but okay.
    But the real problem is after building the project: When playing the game and I try to disconnect the controller's USB cable the game freezes and I need to close it with ALT + F4. I tried checking the log files and it shows that:

    And it shows a lot of times! Probably every frame, that's why is freezing. Is it a bug on Input System or is it my configuration?
    I'm using a DualShock 4, Unity 2020.1.17f1 and Input System 1.0.2