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Bug: scene saved changes not recognised by collab

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by hippocoder, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    Hi, using latest 2.x collab with 2019.1.5f1:

    I made a change to a scene in my Assets/Temp/WIP/ folder and saved it yet collab failed to recognise the change. I also used the "Missing changes? Click to rescan" button. I also restarted Unity.

    It clearly doesn't find the changes.

    To solve it I renamed Temp to WIP, then the changes were picked up. Can you make absolutely sure you're not doing something daft like ignoring Temp folders inside the assets folder? :)

    Or perhaps document things a bit more clearly if it's intentional.
  2. Ryan-Unity


    Mar 23, 2016
    Hi @hippocoder, you're actually running into one of the new rules added to the Collab Ignore file as of Collab 2.0. If you open your .collabignore file in your project's root directory you should see "[Tt]emp/" in the Unity generated section of the rules. You can choose to delete that rule and save your changes to allow Collab to pick up the Temp folder again.