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[BUG] No such local file.

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by Flamacore, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. Flamacore


    Dec 17, 2013
    So here's what happened in my project.

    Unity 2021.1.2f1
    Collaborate version 1.3.9

    It's a relatively big project (EDIT: over 25GB assets and 70+gb with Library). Steps before the bug; I moved a bunch of folders from Assets root to Standard Assets in order to reduce script compilation time (see:Assembly-csharp-firstpass) and published the changes. The publish was successful, I can see it on Unity Dashboard but the collab window in Unity is asking me to Sync while also showing the changes I already pushed with that last Publish.

    I naturally tried to Publish again to no avail. Also, now because it sees my own push as a "change from server", it asks me to sync. Problem is, when I try to sync, it throws a lot of No such local file errors because I've already moved them.

    Anything to do here besides downloading the entire project over again? Reasonably, that is something I really, really, really, really want to avoid.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  2. Flamacore


    Dec 17, 2013
    Well out of frustration and desperation, I had to resort to completely removing the project and re-downloading it. Works fine for obvious reasons but took about 7 hours :) It's a solution where formatting your computer is a solution to not being able to rename a locked file.