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[BUG] Issues with FastMode and the Library Cache (+Suggestions)

Discussion in 'Addressables' started by NWalker_FGOL_Ubisoft, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. NWalker_FGOL_Ubisoft


    Aug 10, 2015

    BUG: While testing in FastMode, somehow the required provider for a ScriptableObject asset was set to one that was not available (I didn't save the log but I believe it was BundledAssetProvider instead of CachedAssetProvider, which shouldn't even be possible for a FastMode json!). Thus, it broke FastMode as all Assets returned Failed.

    BUG: The system that detects when the Addressables cache (in the Library directory) needs to be rebuilt is broken. I deleted Addressables_catalog_FastMode.json and all related files and yet it would not rebuild, thus breaking the build. I have no way to fix this issue currently, except, I assume, to delete the entire Library and Temp folders.

    SUGGESTION: Create a single button to delete and force rebuild ALL required cached files (catalogs, bundles etc) so we can mitigate these issues.

    SUGGESTION: All Addressables cache data should be in a specific sub-directory inside Library, for easy parsing/cleanup.

    SUGGESTION: Move the "Purge Build Cache" button to the Addressables window. Also, currently it does not seem to work as it doesn't open the dialogue.

    BUG: The duplicate addressables key issue (which I believe you've fixed?) should also notify the PATH of the duplicated assets.

    BUG: Not sure repro, but sometimes my EditorBuildSettings will duplicate the list of entries a few times, triggering the duplicate addressables key issue.


    SUGGESTION: Log to the console on first use when testing Addressables in a throttled mode.

    SUGGESTION: The Addressables source code has almost zero comments. A single line description for every file would be useful.

    BUG: The RM Profiler will profile correctly until it reaches a certain length, then it breaks and only shows one thin green line. No errors.

    BUG: "Exception: Unable to load runtime data." contains no debugging info or sub-exceptions. (Triggered by attempting to play in FastMode with no JSON catalogue file).

    SUGGESTION: A page/document/forum post containing the immediate Roadmap as we are currently completely in the dark.

    tetto_green likes this.
  2. unity_bill


    Apr 11, 2017
    Thank you so much for your feedback. Several of these we knew about or were planning on, but some are new. I've logged them all in our task tracking system.

    I do apologize for you needing to work "completely in the dark". we are working to get back onto a consistent release schedule following the summer chaos and will be sure to let the forums know as we have clear plans we can communicate out.

    NWalker_FGOL_Ubisoft likes this.
  3. Unity_Joseph


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 3, 2016
    NWalker could you provide any details on how to repro this:

    Do you need to be loading and unloading things, or can you just have the profiler idle? How long does it take to occur?

  4. NWalker_FGOL_Ubisoft


    Aug 10, 2015
    @JoeScheinberg Yes, you need to be loading things, and it happens consistently after 10 or so seconds of use. It looks like a GUI layout / formatting issue honestly. Have not tested since my comment though.
  5. Unity_Joseph


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 3, 2016
    Okay. Thanks for the info. I was able to reproduce it and we'll have it fixed shortly.
    NWalker_FGOL_Ubisoft likes this.