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Broken links on Beta Release Notes

Discussion in '5.4 Beta' started by Peter77, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Peter77


    QA Jesus

    Jun 12, 2013
    There are lots of broken links on the Beta Release Notes page that display a 404 error.

    How to reproduce
    Observe that it opens rather than the issue tracker item for it.

    Here are a few items where the link seems to be broken:
    • [733441] Dynamic Geometry: Fixed issue where billboard particles were casting shadows that were aligned to the view, rather than to the light direction.
    • [759485] Dynamic Geometry: Fixed issue where small particles could cast the wrong sized shadows.
    • [798293] Dynamic Geometry: Fixed issue where Trails and Lines were being accidentally batched together.
    • [792544] Editor: Fixed occasional crashes on DX9/DX11 when resizing editor windows.
    • [725776] GI: Fixed case of "Error adding system: Data not available." being thrown.
    • [794551] Graphics: Change to expose PlayerSettings.graphicsJobs editor scripting API.
    • [794402] Graphics: Fixed a crash when using instanced shader on SkinnedMeshRenderer.
    • (Issue)Graphics: Fixed case of LightEvent command buffers going out of sync in heavy multithreading scenarios.
    • [787939] Graphics: Fixed case of Unity crashing after adding a Graphics Raycaster component.
    • [798205] Graphics: Fixed issue with calling CommandBuffer.ReleaseTemporaryRT followed by CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT with the same name.
    • (Issue)Graphics: Fixed performance degradation in Transform.position, rotation and localToWorldMatrix (Get).
    • [797773] Graphics: Re-enabled LightEvent.AfterShadowMap command buffers for point lights.
    • [798012] Image Effects: Fixed case of OnRenderImage source argument being null for image effects applied to the scene view in some cases.
    • [761024] iOS: Fixed performance regression caused by Physics/Job system changes.
    • [778222] OpenGL: Fixed occasional crash when docking editor windows in Mac Editor.
    • [792881] OpenGL: Fixed possible crashes when switching graphics API in the editor.
    • [778119] VR: Single Pass VR: Fixed the following Image Effects from the Standard Assets: Antialiasing
  2. Alex-Lian



    Ah, thanks.

    Unfortunately a manual process for us to update the issuetracker urls, and we missed those. Running it through and will fix for next round.