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Bug Broken installs and cant delete to reinstall

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by PumpkinEater52, Jan 23, 2023.

  1. PumpkinEater52


    Jan 23, 2023
    I just downloaded Unity to give it a try and after installing the Unity hub and making an account, I opened it and accidentally closed the windows for the Editor install, so I went to "installs" and decided to install version 2021.3.16f1 , however, I now cannot make a projets because it says there are error, I've tried moving the file incase its because of lack of storage and it doesn't work. I then tried to unistall the Editor and I cant even when trying to uninstall the file location. Then I tried to install a different editor and it will not let me move it to my disk wich has more space. I've tried alot of thing even uninstalling unity Hub and everything labeled Unity on my computer and reinstalling but the broken install remains and I cannot start a project. Please help me.