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Black particles when "Virtual Reality Supported" turned on

Discussion in 'AR/VR (XR) Discussion' started by SuppleTeets, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. SuppleTeets


    Aug 22, 2014

    My confetti particles in Gear VR BUTTS have started showing up black. I believe with the last update to the Oculus Gear VR app on my S6.

    After lots of trial and error I narrowed down the issue to the "Virtual Reality Supported" check box. If that's on, they're black, if off they have color.

    I was building from 5.3.3p1, and now from Unity 5.4.4f1, (and oculus utilities 1.3) and I tried a bunch of different shader combinations to fix this with no such luck. Even using the same shader as the characters the confetti shows up black... even though the characters don't.

    Is there anything I can do to fix this? Or is this on Unity's end?

    My confetti shader looks like this. The confetti is set up as quad meshes, and needs vert colors for the particle system to set the colors:
    Shader "Custom/Confetti" {

    Properties {
    _Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
    SubShader {
    Tags { "Queue"="Geometry" "RenderType"="Geometry" }
    //Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
    //ZWrite On
    Lighting Off Fog { Mode Off }
    Cull Off

    #pragma surface surf Lambert

    float4 _Color;

    struct Input {
    float4 color : COLOR;

    void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
    o.Albedo = IN.color.rgb * _Color.rgb;
    //o.Alpha = 1;

    Fallback "VertexLit"
  2. SuppleTeets


    Aug 22, 2014
    This problem has magically resolved itself. Good day, everyone.