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Best practise for adding non-default .NET assembly dependencies

Discussion in 'Experimental Scripting Previews' started by Bortos, May 29, 2018.

  1. Bortos


    Apr 6, 2016
    As the supported .NET runtime increases, we have access to more and more libraries. Great!

    However, when I want to use these new capabilities by including other System.* assemblies that aren't added by default, (e.g. System.Reactive), it becomes really awkward. Especially when I want to make a submodule/asset/package that will be used in multiple projects.

    The current solution is to (correct me if I'm wrong) edit mcs.rsp and add an include, or copy/pasting the assembly into the project.

    It would be really fantastic if this could be improved so that the project, and other packages (Unity Package Manager) could list these .NET assemblies as dependencies that are automatically fetched. No fiddling around if my package want's to use WCF clients, Http, System.Reactive, ect.

    Note: I am aware of UniRx - and that's besides the point :)
  2. joncham


    Unity Technologies

    Dec 1, 2011
    Please, *never* copy system assemblies into a project. They will then be out of sync with the version of mono being used, will miss bug fixes, etc. Please always edit mcs.rsp file currently as best option.
  3. Bortos


    Apr 6, 2016
    Roger, ty

    Does an asmdef support any rsp file?