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Bakery - GPU Lightmapper (v1.96) + RTPreview [RELEASED]

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by guycalledfrank, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. guycalledfrank


    May 13, 2013

    Lightmaps? (in gfx lingo lightmaps & shadowmaps refer to very different things)

    Yeah I think that's possible, the list is shared even if not all maps are used. I can fix that.

    This shouldn't happen though. Are you sure? Is there any way I can reproduce it?
  2. umair21


    Mar 4, 2016
    Hi, facing a problem in Bakery GPU Lightmapper. I want to compress my lightmaps to RGB Compressed ETC2 4 bits and I am using Bakery for Android so, Android for compression isn't working with RGB Compressed ETC2 4 bits. It does change it to RGB Compressed ETC2 4 bits but no difference with size but if we compress it from Default tab, it compresses it and make my lightmaps crap by reducing their quality alot. Any fix or workaround for this?

    ALREADY COMPRESSED BUT NOTHING CHANGED and its compression is still RGB HDR Compressed BC6H.

    THIS WORKS....! But with crappy quality of lightmaps.

    And one more thing, Why are these lightmaps of HDR format rather than EXR? This seems to be a problem because I think Unity isn't doing anything with this format. :p

    ANY FIX?
  3. atomicjoe


    Apr 10, 2013
    ETC has a crappy quality. Use ASTC instead in the compression override option in the build settings.
    HDR and EXR work both equally well in Unity. My skyboxes are in HDR format without issues on Android.
    Also, keep in mind most HDR textures in android are encoded as non-hdr textures (LDR) with a range of zero to 2.0 (4.5 on linear color space) unless you specifically use an ASTC HDR format as an override, but this format is not widely compatible.
    Lightmapping in Android is tricky.
    guycalledfrank likes this.
  4. Wim-Wouters


    Sep 26, 2012
    Hi Frank,



    Finding it very hard to isolate the issue... but following video's could help illustrate:

    Test setup:

    My specific use-case (zoomed out for privacy)

    Took me a while to replicate, but this is a setup I was able to distill. Apparently it only happens when you have more then 2 or 3 scenes with baked lightmaps.
    1. Create base scene (camera, a directional light (add component) and a skylight)
    2. Create other 4 scenes (only add some (static) standard boxes in each, no lighting)
    3. Open base scene and add other scenes to it.
    4. Set Bakery advanced settings to (split-by-scene = true, use scene named output path = true, texels per unit = 1.
    5. Render
    Apparently changing the texels per unit has something to do with it... but even changing the order by which you add the extra scenes results in different results...
    guycalledfrank likes this.
  5. umair21


    Mar 4, 2016
    I don't want override to change texture compression. I want it to manually compress some of the lightmaps, not all of them, so, is there any solution for that? The only compression I want is ETC because it works great for my project setup while bakery doesn't allow us to select compression format.
  6. atomicjoe


    Apr 10, 2013
  7. Misaki_eKU


    May 3, 2018
    Can I still use volumetric lighting after baking in HDRP?
  8. Baxter900


    Mar 22, 2015
    My team recently started using this tool, and it works great for small scenes. However, once we get to larger scenes (More than about 20 lightmaps according to the checkerboard console output) it takes a significant amount of time to get through the "Exporting Scene - Finishing Objects..." phase unless we disable xatlas (disabling xatlas fixes this entirely) . For our scene with 52 lightmaps, it takes about 10x - 20x longer to finish this phase than it does to actually do the bake itself (about 2 hours for the bake itself, 24 hours to finish this phase on the last successful bake we did). Additionally, it often fails to finish this phase, experiencing various crashes (so far we've had it silently crash the editor, crash the editor triggering Unity's error reporting dialogue, crash Unity with a Microsoft Visual C++ Error dialogue, and hang indefinitely and no longer consume significant system resources in the task manager).

    Is this intended behavior (and we should just disable xatlas) or is this an error (or something we're doing wrong)?

    Edit: Oh also, is it possible to set the "Scale in Lightmap" property for static skinned meshes? As far as I can tell, Bakery uses the "Scale in Lightmap" parameter of Unity's renderers. However, Bakery can also bake static skinned meshes while Unity's base Lightmapper can't. Because of this, Skinned Meshes lack the "Scale in Lightmap" parameter. Being able to set the "Scale in Lightmap" of static skinned meshes would be extremely helpful to us, as currently we're having to convert our skinned meshes into unskinned freeze-frames, which is much more time consuming than simply freezing them at the position in the animation that we want in Unity.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
  9. swantonb


    Apr 10, 2018
    Well indeed, thanks for replying brother, i fixed the scene streaming too i am finally able to bake like a pro :D

    I encounter another issue i dont know what exactly i did wrong i may have a script which is in conflict with some script from your preview?

    This is my error, i cant get Bakery preview to work for a long time, i kept ignoring it but now i kind of need the preview. I reimported bakery asset, bakery preview asset tells me i already have it in project so i cant reimport it. What to do? Thank you !
    Every time i want to open preview i get this error and i must restart unity
    guycalledfrank likes this.
  10. guycalledfrank


    May 13, 2013
    Bakery has nothing to do with texture compression. All these settings are only Unity-related. I don't have much mobile experience, maybe ask in a general support thread.
    Also, as mentioned, ETC is a pretty low quality format.

    Hmmm able to reproduce it with atlas packer set to Default. Works OK when it's set to xatlas though.
    With Default it happens because there is a late-stage code that joins many small atlases together aaand it's not aware of "split by scene"! Ooops.
    Pushed a fix to github. Can you check it?

    Yes if you don't bake direct lighting from the sun. Bake in Indirect or Shadowmask mode and set baked contribution to "Indirect only" on the light.

    Sometimes it can get really slow with some meshes. Your problem is likely linked not to the size of the scene, but to some particular mesh with a particular UV layout xatlas doesn't like. Possibly it's just a very high-poly mesh. Disabling the Hole Filling checkbox should make it much faster, as I only feed bounding rectangles to xatlas in this case. If it's still slow, then there is likely some degenerate case in xatlas logic.

    I think "scale in lightmap" is actually a property that exists on every renderer, it's just not exposed via UI/scripting API in Unity. Try this script, seems to work:


    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEditor;

    public class ScaleInLightmapTweaker : MonoBehaviour


    public class ScaleInLightmapTweakerInspector : UnityEditor.Editor
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
    var r = (target as ScaleInLightmapTweaker).GetComponent<Renderer>();

    var so = new SerializedObject(r);
    var prop = so.FindProperty("m_ScaleInLightmap");

    float prev = prop.floatValue;
    prop.floatValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Scale in lightmap:", prop.floatValue);

    if (prev != prop.floatValue) so.ApplyModifiedProperties();


    I can't see the line number... also given I'm updating the file regularly, can you show me how does this line look in your version of this file currently?
    Mark_01 and atomicjoe like this.
  11. Wim-Wouters


    Sep 26, 2012
    Hi Frank,

    Great job! Love your responsiveness!

    Indeed, now that I check the xatlas packer does not have this issue.
    When testing default atlas packer (after updating from git)...
    As far as I can tell, Atlases from different scenes are no longer mixed between different scene lightmaps.

    Still some small bugs/issues with multi-scene baking:
    • lightmaps are not stored in individual scene folders (they all use the same base folder of first scene). (default & xaltas)
    • lightmap naming is not correct. Looks like the naming is 1 map late (first elements of one scene get added to a map named after previous scene, the second map with elements from scene had correct name)... and sometimes the last scene uses the first scene name as filename. (default & xaltas)
    • atlases from one (last scene-1) don't seem to get combined to one larger lightmap resulting in some 128px, 64px and 16 (only with default packer)

    Then still the last thing I mentioned earlier:
    • All scenes contain all lightmaps in "Lighting/Baked Lightmaps" overview and thus get included in all bundles when building.

    Hope this info helps identifying the issues.
    Kind regards, Wim
  12. Misaki_eKU


    May 3, 2018
    Why I always get this issue

    Attached Files:

  13. Mauri


    Dec 9, 2010
    guycalledfrank likes this.
  14. Jari_Penttinen


    May 4, 2016
    Does not seem to work well with a RTX card. I seem to get ->

  15. atomicjoe


    Apr 10, 2013
    I use bakery with an RTX2070 without issues.
    Must be something else.
  16. ocganzer


    Dec 21, 2017
    Hi Franck !

    While testing RT Preview, I had trouble to manage to set my area lights (with bakery light mesh) in the orientation i wanted to achieve. After a bake, it turns out that RT preview don't display the same orientation than the bake for the area lights.
    The first one isn't rotated and is displayed correctly in RT Preview, the second one is rotated 180° in the Y Axis, and isn't displayed correctly. Any idea why ?
  17. AlexTuduran


    Nov 26, 2016
    I remember Bakery used to show real-time progressive baking preview in the scene (much like the built-in GPU lightmapper) or am I confusing it with a different tool (just got it)?
  18. atomicjoe


    Apr 10, 2013
    AlexTuduran and guycalledfrank like this.
  19. swantonb


    Apr 10, 2018
    Hello again, sorry for being late
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  20. Goldenvale


    Feb 26, 2015
    Hey Frank, I recently started getting "UVGBufferGen Error" when starting a bake and it crashes Unity. I've read earlier in the thread that it could have something to do with running out of memory, but i'm at 40-50% usage (7gb available) and only Unity is running when i start a bake. It worked fine a couple of days ago.
  21. guycalledfrank


    May 13, 2013
    Yes, "Split by scene" merely affects atlasing, it does not promise any other changes.

    A bit problematic to implement. Where should the light probes go? There is always a single shared set of probes stored in a single lighting data asset, used equally in all scenes. Probes cannot be split, but they use the same (scene-named or not) output path. Output path is currently a single global value per bake.

    There was never a requirement that automatically atlased lightmaps should follow any naming guidelines. Indeed, in v1.71 you can end up with "LM0", "LMA6" and "LMA8" and it won't mean anything.
    Although if you check the latest github version, I made it less random, they should now always go 0,1,2,3... etc.

    Currently all lightmaps are always squares with a power-of-two resolution. Default atlas packer will generate multiple small lightmaps if fitting them into a POT square yields too much empty space. In this case a closest atlas that could fit these lightmaps would be 256x256, but then it would be half-empty, so Bakery leaves the 128x128 on its own. Fitting 64+16 into a 128 still gives you > 50% empty atlas, so they remain separate as well. You can control this behaviour with Min Resolution slider though: setting it to 256 ensures no smaller lightmaps are generated.

    Looks like there is actually an option to do what you want, but it wasn't exposed and was disabled by default for a reason I no longer remember.
    In ftRenderLightmaps.cs find

    public static bool removeDuplicateLightmaps = false;

    and change false to true, then rebake.

    Are you sure you enabled RTX mode?

    Woah, that shouldn't happen. Can you show me your area light settings and position/rotation/scale?

    >can you show me how does this line look in your version of this file currently?
    (please open ftBuildGraphics.cs and show me what's on your line 6190)

    Are there any more details? Usually UVGB errors have some additional message or an error code.
  22. swantonb


    Apr 10, 2018
  23. Goldenvale


    Feb 26, 2015
    The error goes away when I reduce the texels per unit to 5. When I set it to 20 it gives me the following errors: "Can't map texture", "Can't save UV pos" and "Can't render UV GBuffer" after that Unity crashes.

    And a question; will transparency passthrough be supported in the future? For example, stained glass changing the color of the light passing through.

    Edit: When I reduce it to 15 I don't get the error.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
  24. oskarious


    May 26, 2011
    Hi there, new Bakery user here!

    I am working on a game where I generate a dungeon via tiles, so the prefab baking works great for me, however, I am running into an issue where my objects don't seem to respect the lightmap at all when it's material is set to use metallic. I don't know if it's me misunderstanding the tool (very likely since this is my second day using it), or something else. I authored the shader for the material in unity's shader graph, if that might have anything to do with it. Any help or pointers would be appreciated!

    I am attaching images where the metallic is set to 0/0.5/1

    Attached Files:

  25. John_Leorid


    Nov 5, 2012
    Hi, sorry to ask but I can't get it to work - exporting scene takes forever (>15min every single time I press "Render" aka bake lightmaps in Bakery) and I constantly run out of memory if he finally finishes this step.

    Our scene has tons of objects (see picture below) and it's not even half of what the map will be like, when the game is finished. I think I tweaked all settings as far down as possible.

    The map is split into multiple scenes - maybe thats the problem? We are using HDRP and this is a PC Game btw.
    Mobile Games usually have very few polygons in their scenes, so maybe bakery is not suited for rendering HD Graphics Lightmaps?

    But if there is any option (besides buying more memory, I know 32 Gb isn't that much for lightmapping) to just get it to render any lightmap, I'd be happy to try it.


    Attached Files:

  26. Samb88


    Mar 26, 2009
    Hey! Just a quick thing: Is emissive boost broken in the current version?
    Everything looks perfekt when I use the real-time preview plugin, but when I render the actual lightmap it just looks if the boost value was set back to 1. Have to make some tests, but maybe this is known?
  27. ocganzer


    Dec 21, 2017
    Hi Franck

    I made a screenshot with the settings from the area Lights. The only difference betwenn 1 and 2, is the rotation (2 was duplicated from 1 and rotated). There is also a strange leeking in RT Preview from a third one rotated in the same axis (but 120° instead of 180°) bakery.PNG?dl=0

    If you have any other question, just tell me.

    thx in advance
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
    guycalledfrank likes this.
  28. namdo


    Feb 23, 2015
    How would one go about lighting a room that has no direct source of light like a closed room. When i bake that scene, the room is completely dark because there is no source of light entering. How would I bake it so that its not completely black?
  29. Monil


    Apr 24, 2012


    take a look at this
    guycalledfrank likes this.
  30. LaurynasLubys


    Mar 7, 2012
    Thank you for elaborate answer. To remind - I want that dark unlit areas wouldn't be completely dark, so my suggestion was to do threshold for darkness. Suggested Photoshop trick did work - brightening dark areas with grey colour layer and "Lighter Color" overlay option. I did automate run trough all .tga lightmaps, and on some of them I did manual adjustment. This created one issue - it removed contracts, as darker spots in original textures became brighter. With PostProcessing I adjusted it back.

    guycalledfrank likes this.
  31. namdo


    Feb 23, 2015
    Ok thanks.

    What is a 6 axis direct light and how do i make one?
  32. Mauri


    Dec 9, 2010
    Basically, create 6
    Directional Lights
    and add the
    Bakery Direct Light
    component to each of them. Then make it so that each light faces a different direction (as seen on this screenshot here; the third window).

    guycalledfrank likes this.
  33. namdo


    Feb 23, 2015
    I see. Thanks. Cant believe I never thought of that.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2020
  34. umair21


    Mar 4, 2016
    Hi, can we swap lightmaps of Lightmapped prefab at runtime on start of scene? Like, I want to bake two types of lights, one for day time and one for night mode but there's no option for selecting which lightmap to use on start. I can go create multiple scenes with different lightmaps but it increases build size because I have to use multiple prefabs then, so I was wondering if there's any work around for applying different lightmaps on start of scene. This could also help if we want to use multiple lightmap prefabs in a single scene. Long story short, Is Multi-scene Lightmapped Prefabs loading possible with Bakery?
  35. Augis1980


    Sep 23, 2014
    Hi, LODs keep baking black and white in one scene for me . Main LOD, sometimes LOD0 and LOD2 is fine, but lower LODS get what looks like over lit lightmap (image below). tried resetting settings, changing skylight and direct light more than 20 times. Any ideas? Can it be some out of memory error, scene has many lights and objects.

    Attached Files:

    • lod.png
      File size:
      500.8 KB
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2020
  36. guycalledfrank


    May 13, 2013
    Not sure why that happens... just in case, try clicking Bakery->Utilities->Clear baked data->Clear all, multiple times.
    Are there any other error messages before it?
    I updated the github version with some more detailed debug information printing. If clearing doesn't work, it should at least point at the problem.

    You are likely out of RAM:

    Fully metallic surface is fully reflective, so you can't see diffuse lighting (will happen with built-in lightmappers as well). Reflections can come from:
    - Specular from real-time lights.
    - Baked specular (use Bakery shader and either Dominant Direction or SH directional mode when baking).
    - Global skybox reflection probe (click Update Skybox Probe)
    - Local reflection probes (place them and click Render Reflection Probes)
    - SSR.
    - Real-time ray-tracing?!
    - etc

    Wrote a little guide today:

    None of it should be a problem.

    It's pretty decent. I live with 16 GB :D

    In RTPreview: yes! There is actually a bug that made it apply emissive boost twice. Lightmapper itself is unaffected. I was going to update the store version, but wanted to wait for a few more fixes to accumulate, but there wasn't anything...
    I PM'd you the fix. Will update the store version soon.

    Thanks, can't believe I missed it. Actually not only it affects RTPreview, it also affects the baked area lights with "self-shadow" option, resulting in weird lighting. Only happens when Light Mesh is used together with Unity area light; doesn't affect Light Mesh + Mesh Renderer combo.
    I updated the github version with the fix.

    Tried this?

    Also my quick way:
    - Enable day lights.
    - Set output path to folder "day"
    - Bake day lighting.
    - Enable night lights.
    - Set output path to folder "night"
    - Bake night lighting.
    - Load all maps to some component. Maps will have identical names, but come from different folders.
    - At runtime, go over LightmapSettings.lightmaps, compare and replace.

    If your main problem is avoiding loading unused lightmaps, making sure the scene is always loaded only with one map set: I don't know. Unity doesn't make it easy. You'll have to script your own lightmap loading/assigning I guess.

    Wild guess, but,
    - Tried disabling GI VRAM optimization?
    - Are you sure the resolution is OK on these lower LODs and they don't use one huge texel shared with something else?
    Mark_01 likes this.
  37. ocganzer


    Dec 21, 2017
    Thanks Franck for the quick fix ! You're the best. Everything is working perfectly now.
    guycalledfrank likes this.
  38. Jakub-Pilar


    May 18, 2015
  39. GTBrother


    May 29, 2017
    I am working on a scene and used Bakery. The problem is that the platform to release only works with LUA, so the C# components are not accepted. Is there any way to use the bakery to bake the lighting, then delete it and keep the lightmaps?
    Delete is the only option we found to make it work, but I really would love to use the bakery result!
  40. umair21


    Mar 4, 2016
    One workaround that I can think of is that you should convert your decals to mesh and then change their shader to
    transparent diffuse or transparent cutout diffuse, this should fix your problem only if your decals are not using any script that needs them to be as a decal and not a mesh. I have tried this with Easy decals asset and this worked perfectly fine for me. Apart from that, I have no idea how can you do this with Bakery without converting them to mesh.
    Jakub-Pilar likes this.
  41. sewy


    Oct 11, 2015

    Hello, today, i got this error. Any idea what is going on? We dont use Lightmap groups, nor vertex lightmaps.

    EDIT: The error stopped showing when i disabled Light probe group.. How does it connects?
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
    guycalledfrank likes this.
  42. dasprid


    Jun 22, 2020
    I'd totally love to use this lightmapper, sadly it seems to not have any support for Unity on Linux. Are there any plans to add wider platform support?
  43. BPR


    Jan 4, 2013
    I am planing to put together a new work pc, since all most my work is mobile optimization I might go for some very basic gpu. However bakery has become a tool which I would not want to miss.
    Do you have some rough key stats how bakery performs on non-rtx gpus?
    How much could be the difference in bake time between lets say a gt 1030 and gtx 1070?

    Oh and would a GTX1650 profit from the software compatibility raytracing support, even without the hardware chips of the rtx line?
  44. atomicjoe


    Apr 10, 2013
    A LOT.
    Bakery uses Nvidia Optix gpu rendering library, so it nearly linearly performs faster the more CUDA cores and RT cores you have.
    Check this benchmark from Blender to see how the price dramatically reflects on rendering speed:
    IMPORTANT: this benchmark is not using Optix but only CUDA, so the difference between a GTX and an RTX card is not correct. I personally experienced nearly double the speed going from a GTX1080 to an RTX2070 just because of using the RT cores, even though the GTX1080 should technically be faster than the RTX2070 if you use only the CUDA cores.

    No. You need RT cores for that and only RTX cards have them.

    In your case, I would wait for the new RTX 3070 or 3060 to be released, or wait for the VERY DEEP discounts that the RTX 20X0 cards should get very soon.
    guycalledfrank and BPR like this.
  45. atomicjoe


    Apr 10, 2013
    Hey Frank, I just bought your Bakery Preview thing and it's REALLY COOL!
    Before trying it I thought it was just a gimmick, but now I couldn't live without it! lol
    Just my 2 cents on it:

    - It would be great if we could set a maximum render time (like 30min) so the GPU doesn't get stuck rendering ad infinitum if we forget about it while doing other things. Right now the only way to stop it is to close the preview and that clears the rendered image too.

    - Changing Skylight samples doesn't seem to change anything in preview, even though it really does when baking.

    - Bakery Preview enables "animated materials" on the scene view and then doesn't disable it when you close it, making the GPU work while doing nothing (even in the background)

    - Compiling an unrelated C# script while the preview is open makes the Bakery Preview forget it was rendering (even though it still is), it is then impossible to stop the preview and clicking on the Bakery Preview button crashes Unity.

    - Scene export is VERY slow and eats my RAM like candy!

    - Each time you push the "open preview" button, Unity allocates lots of memory that will never be released, even after closing the preview, leading to an out of memory after 4 or 5 times of opening and closing it in my test scene. (even after the out of memory dialog, the memory is still never released.)
    Check out the memory use at each open close cycle:
    Ryzen 9 3900X 12 core / 24 threads 32GB RAM with Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070

    guycalledfrank likes this.
  46. sacb0y


    May 9, 2016
    I noticed in URP the asset does not pick up on Unity's color temperature when matching the info, would be great if this could be fixed. Especially since this feature is also in standard "tho hidden"
  47. guycalledfrank


    May 13, 2013
    Minor bugfixes and updates for RTPreview can be now accessed via github:

    Currently it contains fixes for:
    - "Emissive boost" applied twice
    - RTPreview closing immediately after opening in some cases, complaining about "probes_emissive" in the log.
    ... and some things mentioned further in this post.
    Those will be live on the Asset Store soon.

    I don't know how this particular decal system works. Does it work with lightmaps baked with built-in lightmappers?

    Was it... empty? Without any probes?
    Actually yeah, seems like it behaves this exact way in such case.
    Internally L1 light probes are represented as a "per-vertex" lightmap group where each probe is a vertex. I forgot to check if you have a zero-probe group though.
    Pushed a fix to github.

    Not at the moment :(

    RTX gives massive speedup according to user reports. Something like 1.5x to 5x depending on the scene.

    I usually avoid xx30 cards, they are pretty low-end. xx50 are okay, xx60 are the decent ones. xx70, xx80 are high-end.
    I don't have exact benchmarks for 1030 vs 1070 though.

    No. I have this kind of SW compatibility on 1060. It means you can bake in RTX mode and it works, but performance is the same.

    Yeey! :)

    OK, added:


    You'll need to update from all 3 repositories:

    Yes. All sample settings don't affect the preview, mentioned here:

    Yeah, otherwise Unity doesn't redraw the viewport.

    OK, fixed it (see github).

    I didn't manage to crash Unity, but yes, I know about the forgetting part. I'm not sure how to fix it yet. When Unity recompiles any scripts, it completely resets all active script variables.

    Yeah it's the same exact scene export that happens before lightmap rendering. Lightmapper/preview is actually the same executable operating on the same data, just in a different way. I would like to improve its performance, but it seems to mainly depend on Unity mesh API / general C# stuff performance. Just iterating every vertex in your scene and dumping it to disk is slow.

    GC should work it out. If it doesn't, I'm not sure what I can do on the C# end. Not even sure how to profile it there.
    Mark_01 likes this.
  48. guycalledfrank


    May 13, 2013
    It is not clear to me how Unity interprets these temperature values as HDR color. Bakery currently uses (light.color.linear * light.intensity) as final color.
  49. cAyouMontreal


    Jun 30, 2011
    Hey there! New with this plugin.
    I don't understand why I have this error when baking light probes:
    "Scene geometry/layour changed since last full bake. Use Render button instead."

    My steps:
    - Click on render
    - Click on render lightprobes

    So I just rendered without changing anything on the scene...
    One sidenote: I used Magic Light Probes to put lightprobes in the scene (it creates a lightprobe group).
    Any idea? Thanks!
  50. guycalledfrank


    May 13, 2013
    Long story short:
    - If your light probe mode is set to L1 (which is now default), your probes will be already rendered after full Render. So you don't have to click Render Light Probes.
    - Also it's a bug that was fixed. Normally you should be able to click Render Light Probes to re-render them second time.
    cAyouMontreal likes this.