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Baked GI Info lost after unity application restart or open on another computer

Discussion in 'Global Illumination' started by ShuraK, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. ShuraK


    Jan 15, 2015
    Found another two fatal errors of baked GI:

    1. It happens quite usual, that after baking a scene -->save ---> and restart unity , the baked information will be gone. The lightmaps are still in the folder and in lighting window, but the lightmap index,of gameobjects are set to 65555. Also, Light.alreadyLightmapped of each lights is set false. This doesn't always happen, but quite often. Once it happens, 5 hours rebake !!!

    2. After uploading to svn server and downloading on another computer, the baked gi infomation will be lost. we have synced every single file: scene , prefab, material, texture, lightmaps, lightmapsnapshot, AND EVEN GI CACHE. It's just not possible to sync baked gi between team members.

    p.s : It might be important, we use directional specular lightmap mode, without precomputed realtime gi.

    For the first problem , please fix it asap.

    For the second problem, i hope it's caused by our wrong operation, please show me how to sync baked gi between computers.
  2. robin911


    Nov 21, 2016
    We have the same problem with Unity5.4.2f2. I tried almost everything scene, lightmaps, lighting data and GI cache. I can't make the scenes look same on different machine, even on same machine, specially with the procomputed realtime gi. Any thoughts about this?