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Ateroid Field Creator [AFC] Available in Asset Store

Discussion in 'Made With Unity' started by radio3d, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. radio3d


    Feb 22, 2010

    AFC is unity script for creating fields filled with random positioned
    asteroids. It has several field container options such as rect, disc (ring) or sphere. Amongst features it can spawn random positions and rotations for every game start or used as already predefined and created field. It makes good use for random or procedural stage creation. Along with script there are 11 detailed asteroid model prefabs with RGB-Gloss diffuse and normal map in 1024x1024 resolution and space skybox in 2048x2048 res. Script tool is written in unityscript (.js) and it has custom editor inspector for ease of use.

    Althouth it is called asteroid creator, this tool can serve for several purposes of spawning objects inside container. Like if we want for some reason avoid particles we can make with this star fields, warp tunnels, place planets in space or do some random debris in some field.I even used it to create clouds on some places and even instantiate fishes in pond or create spherical nebulas.

    Code is as stated above written in unityscript (.js) and opened to see and modify to anyone, no hidden parts and fully commented for easier understanding of whats happening in there.

    Any further information and details on how stuff works with this script i put pdf doc file in dropbox which you can get here
    PDF Documentation

    Asset Store Link

    There is longer time i've made this script and using it in several occasions and purposes. Just found great use for space shooter i'm developing these days and decided to make custom inspector with several features so i thought why not to put it in unity asset store. There are lot more pictures in PDF doc so i didn't spammed this post with too many pictures. I have also few features in head to add on with time, but for now this is the stuff :)