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ARKit Image Anchor Scaling is x10 bigger than it should be

Discussion in 'AR' started by AlexKlwn, Mar 31, 2019.

  1. AlexKlwn


    Mar 30, 2019
    Hello everyone,

    I tried the Image Anchor example from ARKit - everything works out pretty well except the scaling. When running the example on my Xs (iOS 12.1) the size of AR content is too big by factor 10.

    To get more into detail, I used the "UnityARImageAnchor" example to create a simple AR test-scene. I changed the image texture for "UnityLogoReferenceImage" to my card image and adjusted the physical size to 7,4cm width (=real-world size).

    Then I created a prefab (Card_Parent) using 4 planes, also with correct size of 0.074m x 0.048m.

    In "GenerateImageAnchorCube" I changed the prefab to my newly created "Card_Parent".

    So far so good. Now when I test everything on my phone, the scaling is off by factor 10.

    When I change the dimensions of the 4 planes from 0.074m to 0.0074m the content is displayed correctly but that makes no sense :) My cards real-world dimensions are 7.4cm x 4.8cm and not 0.74 x 0.48cm.

    Any ideas?

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019