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Question ARKit for Depth with Game Camera

Discussion in 'AR' started by ademord, Jun 17, 2021.

  1. ademord


    Mar 22, 2021
    Hello, I am new to this forums since i come from the MLAgents forums.

    I want to get depth information in unity and I found out I could use ARKit to obtain depth somehow. I made the assumption this works only with phones / iphones? If someone could help me validate that assumption?

    I need to use it with a game camera, so that I can feed my RL Agent the depth channel (or get depth and then obtain a point cloud).

    I am struggling to find tutorials and documentation, if someone could answer me if it is possible to use a game camera with ARKit and how to do it?

    Separately (non-ARKit), I have found docs on how to access a depth texture (which must be activated on a camera) but I dont know how to access it and save it to an image for example (or pass it to an ML model for real-time processing, for that matter), if someone could help me out?

    My end goal is to reward my agent based on how well he reconstructs a scene's 3D mesh. Has anyone ever worked with the XR mesh subsystem?
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
  2. KyryloKuzyk


    Nov 4, 2013
    The LiDAR scanner is required to generate the depth texture.
    Unfortunately, there is currently no other way to receive the depth texture rather than via ARKit. Camera's depth texture is unrelated to the physical depth of the environtemnt.