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Feedback AR user manual in the shape of an android app

Discussion in 'AR' started by unity_000ED82BA5DCB0CF90F7, Jun 6, 2023.

  1. unity_000ED82BA5DCB0CF90F7


    Jun 6, 2023
    I would like to develop an AR user manual in the shape of an android application that can be used as an instruction to use a machine. The manual should consist out of several steps that should be executed and checked in a specific order. I would like to give instructions like texts, indicate to look for a certain area or button by highlighting in AR, showing videos etc. The user should then also confirm that he completed certain instructions to go to the next step.
    Currently I'm working with ARCore. I'm using a scene for each step and when a step is completed a new scene with new instructions is loaded.
    I'm using the ARTrackedImageManager to track images and get the position of certain points of interest and to augment the reality with highlighting certain buttons etc.
    For example in step 1 a certain button is highlighted in green to get the attention of the user and to show him that the next instruction is in this area. Currently I solved this by tracking an image close to the button and by creating a gameobject from a prefab where the TrackedImageManager locates the image. When the user is touching the highlighted area in the app, an instruction video is triggered. Then the user can confirm that he has completed the instruction by pressing a button in the app. Then the next scene is loaded.
    In this new scene the area from before should still be highlighted but now in red. Also when the area is touched in the app no instruction should be shown but a pop up that asks if the user is sure to go back to this step. I'm not sure how this is solved best and how the prefabs should be organized, when they just differ in color. Currently the prefab must have the same name as the tracked image, and the scene is not considered when creating a gameobject of the prefab.

    Can you think of a better approach to develop and manage an AR user manual? How would you manage your prefabs if depending on the scene another prefab or the same with different color should be used to create a gameobject. How would you manage the actions that are related to the created objects if they differ depending on the scene?