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Apply blend shape same frame

Discussion in 'Animation' started by Baste, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. Baste


    Jan 24, 2013
    I'm running into something I believe is a bug with blend shapes, but I'm not sure.

    If I do this:

    Code (csharp):
    1. var model = Instantiate(prefab);
    2. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight(index, value);
    That blend shape weight won't be applied until the next frame, meaning that the skinned mesh renderer is visible for a single frame with the wrong weight.

    If I do this:
    Code (csharp):
    1. var model = Instantiate(prefab);
    2. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight(index, value);
    3. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = false;
    4. yield return null;
    5. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = true;
    I still get the same effect, just one frame delayed. In fact:

    Code (csharp):
    1. var model = Instantiate(prefab);
    2. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight(index, value);
    3. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = false;
    4. yield return null;
    5. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = true;
    6. yield return null;
    7. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = false;
    8. yield return null;
    9. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = true;
    10. yield return null;
    11. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = false;
    12. yield return null;
    13. model.skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = true;
    14. yield return null;
    15. yield return null;
    16. // This is the first point where the blend shape weight will be visible
    Two questions:
    Is this a bug?
    Is it possible to force blend shapes to apply somehow?
  2. Kybernetik


    Jan 3, 2013
    Definitely sounds like a bug.

    Try yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame. No idea if it will help, but it gives a slightly different time to null.

    I guess you could also try destroying the renderer and creating a new one, but that's a S***ty hack at best.
  3. polyflow3d


    Oct 6, 2014
    The SkinnedMeshRenderer is closely related to the GPU , so it seems that their work is not synchronized with the scripts.
    You can try to use SkindMeshRender. BakeMesh () then apply resulting mesh to MeshFilter. It will be dramaticly slow but will performed in same frame that called.
    Baste likes this.