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Anything close to the Non-Commercial Collaboration board???

Discussion in 'Unity Connect' started by Zebrakiller, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. Zebrakiller


    Jan 11, 2014
    So this whole unity connect thing is so bad. It would have been great to add it for people who find it useful. but to delete the part of the forums other people need is so ridiculous. I don't know who made the decision to force this down our throats as the only means of connecting with people but it's a stupid decision.

    Myself I am very new to game design in general and am trying to gain experience and start my own company with a few other guys. The only forums we would go to would be the Non-Commercial Collaboration board because we have no money to pay and hooking up with other hobbiests or people just started was great. Now with unity connect it just seems like a cheap LinkedIn ripoff that only focuses on companies that are actually hiring for paid positions. Why did they delete the separation of the paid group forums and the non paid hobby ones? Is there any other place where we can look for unpaid people to join out group?
    MulloProductions likes this.
  2. markp-unity


    Nov 3, 2015
    Hey Zebrakiller,

    Sorry you feel this way. I recommend you go to : which will allow you to post a TASK.

    Once you have posted a task, people will be able to see your request Non-Paid or Revenue Share (T/F) if you'd like. Different than the forums, once you have posted the task, you'll be able to source through the community, browse their work and credentials, and potentially reach out via our messenger if you'd like.

    Please give it a try and keep up updated with feedback.
  3. eatsleepindie


    Aug 3, 2012
    @Zebrakiller As a freelancer, I am on the other side of the aisle from you but agree completely. There is a huge difference between the position you are offering and the positions I seek for my job, and to bundle both into the same exact place wastes time for all parties involved.
    alxcancado likes this.