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Any way to filter custom events?

Discussion in 'Unity Analytics' started by frosted, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. frosted


    Jan 17, 2014
    I have a bunch of different fight scenes, let's say: fight1, fight2, fight3
    There are three possible outcomes to a fight: win, loss, flee.

    The key things I'm looking for:
    - the overall win/loss/flee rates across all players.
    - the win/loss/flee rates for a given fight scene.

    So like:
    WinRate: 75%
    FleeRate: 10%
    LossRate: 15%

    But also:
    Fight1.WinRate: 55%
    Fight1.FleeRate: 20%
    Fight1.LossRate: 25%

    Any suggestions on how to do this? (maybe I am just really dumb and you can filter in the data browser?)

    If Unity Analytics really isn't intended for this kind of thing, please let me know - this is literally just a one step predicate not even a group by or anything remotely complex. So if I'm trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole, let me know!

    If anyone has any suggestions on free/inexpensive data collection tools that might be better suited to tracking balance and gameplay issues then also, let me know!

    Alternatively, is there any way to just get access to the raw data?! That'd really solve all these problems entirely.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015
  2. elie-noune


    Apr 27, 2015
    Hey @frosted,

    Great question, thank you for posting! Are you currently tracking wins, losses and flees as custom events? If so, you can visualize how these metrics change for each level in our Funnels tool. Ex: you could build a funnel for wins and see how many unique players are winning at each level. Same for other metrics.

    If I understand well, by conversion rate you mean #times event occurred / # times level was started for each level. Unfortunately, there is no way to compute combined metrics with multiple data attributes today. You will probably need a raw data export to perform these calculations. While we don't support this feature today, the closest thing we have is a CSV data export from the Data Explorer. You can add the custom events you are interested in (level start, loss, win, flee) in the Data Explorer and download a CSV of the count of these events for every day during the specified time window. You can get more granular data for each level if you:
    1) click on 'View parameters',
    2) Select 'level' from the attribute dropdown
    3) Aggregate the data by 'level' by hitting the right-most bar chart icon
    The CSV export there may not easily help you answer your question because it does not aggregate the data across users. A simpler way may be to copy the numbers for each level from the bar chart to a spreadsheet and do the divisions there. It's a bit tedious, but makes it possible to answer your question.

    We know that access to data is a bit limited today and we're thinking of ways to improve that. One of these is a Data Export API. We have a forum thread regarding that, perhaps you can give us some feedback there on which APIs would be most useful? Also, if you'd like to request/vote for new features, we encourage you to take a look at our Feedback page and voice your opinion there!
  3. frosted


    Jan 17, 2014
    Right now I have the result of each fight producing a 'fight result' event which lists the scene it took place in and the results.

    One problem is that the fights don't occur in strict sequence, so I think a funnel might be very hard to use. The game has a lot of roguelike, random elements, so the order isn't fixed (if it was, it would be much easier to organize and analyze the data given the tools Unity Analytics provides.

    The only way I can think of to accomplish the kind of analysis I need would be to literally set up events that pivot on each axis i might be interested in. So instead of a "Fight Results" event, I would have like 40 or 50 events required to cover this:

    FightScene1Results: win, loss, flee
    FightScene2Results: win, loss, flee
    FightScene3Results: win, loss, flee

    When I have 100 fight scenes (my goal), I will have 100 separate custom events to cover each of them. And I will have used up a great deal of my data allotment just on one event :(

    I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, but in terms of raw data access - is this going to potentially be available within a couple months? I'm hoping to release in about 6-8 weeks and I really need to start collecting this data asap.
  4. elie-noune


    Apr 27, 2015
    Unfortunately, we can't make any guarantees as to when the raw data API will be available. But yes, if you instrument 40 different events, you will be able to access conversion rates for each level (the pie chart will actually give you the percentages). In terms of analysis points, instrumenting 40 different events will cost you the same as 1 event with a 'level' string parameters that has 40 parameters. So it may be a bit tedious to instrument that, but there shouldn't be an extra cost in analysis points. Even if there is, we'll try to be flexible with your limit - send us a support ticket if this happens and we'll figure it out :)
    frosted likes this.
  5. frosted


    Jan 17, 2014
    Thanks for the update.

    To be clear - if I have 1 parameter with 100 values - is this the same as 100 events with 1 parameter value?

    FightComplete{ Scene{ can be 100 different values}, IsWin }


    FightScene1{ IsWin }
    FightScene2{ IsWin }
    FightScene3{ IsWin }
    FightScene99{ IsWin }
    FightScene100{ IsWin }
