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AnimController vs matching anim by track name

Discussion in 'Animation' started by PNNNNN, Jul 9, 2018.



    May 10, 2018
    Hey guys, please, can anyone help me to solve the following problem?
    * There is a character model (not Unity character, just generic) linked below a prefab. Note that the prefab is not made from the model itself, it is parent of the model.
    * There is an AnimController (AC) on the model and another AC on the prefab.
    * The AC on the model governs looping visual effect (artist needs a separate AC).
    * The AC on the prefab is for usual animations (idle, attack...)

    Now the problem. When I export animation, it expects the root bone (and, respectively, all other bones) to be direct child of the object I apply it to. BUT, there is model between prefabAC and root bone. When I link an animation to prefabAC, all anim tracks announce "missing" objects to apply to. How do I make them take into account that there is an additional link in the hierarchy?

    I tried 2 workarounds. First, I can manually select each track in Animator and edit its name (from "boneName" to "modelName/boneName"). We all know, this is impossible to maintain once anim production starts.
    Second, in every animation in Maya I add a bone named "modelName" as a parent of former Root bone. However, in case we change the name of the model, we would have to reexport all animations with a different root name. Hardly a sustainable solution. Please, help.

    Thanks for any advice. Cheers.


    May 10, 2018
    Come on guys, has no one had the same problem? Out of wit here... pretty please?