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Animator.MatchTarget() doesn't work correctly in loop animation, stuck for 2 days.

Discussion in 'Animation' started by scarofsky, Oct 23, 2018.

  1. scarofsky


    Sep 29, 2016
    Hi, I want to do following move sequence:

    first step: move to A point, let right foot on it by animator.targetMatch. [startTime = now, endTime = 0.8]
    second step: move to B point, let left foot on it by animator.targetMatch. [startTime = now, endTime = 1.3]

    I am sure that "MatchTargetWeightMask", "applyRootMotion" is correct, but no matter how I tried, problems always happened in the second step that my actor "be pull back" where the walk animation begins. That would lead to a total mess in the matching target process.

    Anyone can save me from this?

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2018