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Animator Always resets childobject active state to original

Discussion in 'Animation' started by Games_49Wares, Nov 26, 2021.

  1. Games_49Wares


    Oct 17, 2021
    Hey, I have the following problem: I have a gameobject (player) which has a childobject (weapon). Now when i instantiate that prefab i am checking if the player has a weapon already and if yes, the weapon object gets set active. But the animator always sets it back to inactive even if i enable the animator after setting the weapon to active. Same is for the opposide, if i have weapon active from the beginning and only deactivate it if player has no weapon yet, the animator enables it again. I checked my idle animation, it has no property that accesses the weapon active state. It even sets it back to original state when i change it manually in the running scene.
    Some help would be great and very appreciated.
  2. Grhyll


    Oct 15, 2012
    Did you try to uncheck the WriteDefault checkbox on your states?