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Animations Watcher - Debug your animation blending using this watcher

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by amir_ro, May 6, 2011.

  1. amir_ro


    Sep 8, 2010
    Hi all Unity users,

    -- Animations Watcher --

    Just wanted to present my contribution to the asset store - Animations Watcher.
    This tool is useful in cases when animation blending doesn't behave as expected (animations jump, tick or just don't look good). When you select an object with animations, it display a concise information about all the animations of that object - all AnimationState data such as isPlaying, weight, layer, wrap mode and so on.
    The tool may filter out non-playing animations and sort the animations alphabetically, by weight or layer.
    It even has a time slider to slow down your game time so you will have enough time to examine animations.

    This tool was developed with my experience on dealing with animations. It helped me find bugs such as scripts that were playing animations not in the correct timing and messed blending up. It greatly reduced my frustrations with animations with its simplicity.

    Hope you will find it useful.