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Animation not playing on iPad1

Discussion in 'Animation' started by numberkruncher, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. numberkruncher


    Feb 18, 2012
    Hey guys

    I have a selection of NGUI objects which were animated using the animation window. The root most object of the animated hierarchy has the animation controller object. This is working fine on desktop builds, but for some reason the animations seem to jump straight to the end on the iPad.

    If I have the animation triggered upon "touch down" then the objects immediately go to their final state as though the animation just skipped to the end. I am seeing a good FPS on the iPad, so I am confused as to why the animation is jumping.

    Any ideas?
  2. numberkruncher


    Feb 18, 2012
    I have changed to using the legacy animation component and this resolves the issue for me. I am sure that this should work with the new system, but it doesn't.
    • Steps I performed to resolve this:
    • Remove "Animator" component from game object.
    • Add "Animation" component to game object.
    • Associated recorded animation which was originally used with animation controller.
    • Selected animation asset using the project window.
    • Put the inspector into "Debug" mode.
    • Changed the animation type from "2" to "1" (legacy mode).
    • Put the inspector back into "Normal" mode.
    • Fixed.