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After playing minecraft...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jc_lvngstn, Oct 8, 2010.

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  1. soulreafer


    Nov 6, 2011
    I finished up building some trees and other decorations.
    my first try to make some caves are the result of very tiny holes^^

    the next step is to find out how threading works. i am a really newbie but my changings to the script seems to be nice :p
  2. kryptx


    Dec 9, 2012
    I'm trying to wrap my head around something regarding dynamic mesh generation.

    If each chunk generates some collection of meshes in a 16x16x16 block when it is modified, and the mesh is based on block type (i.e. each block type is its own mesh), and we add faces to the mesh based on whether there is a "transparent" block (water, air, or any transparent building block) immediately adjacent to it, then by my calculations it's possible that you will hit Unity's vertex limit for the mesh if a player creates a 16x16x16 block in your "mesh chunk" consisting of a stack of alternating checkerboard patterns, all of a single block type.

    I tried to do just that in one of alexzzzz's earlier demos that he posted but then after about 3 layers I ran off and came back to discover that it had regenerated the terrain in that chunk, and gave up :D

    Is this something any of you have dealt with or are people hedging their bets against a player ever doing that?

    Edit: Scratch that, I think I figured it out. In this "worst case" each layer would have 64 blocks, with 16 layers. That's 1024 blocks, at 24 verts each... still well under the limit. Move along...
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
  3. Myhijim


    Jun 15, 2012
  4. goldbug


    Oct 12, 2011
    We have implemented a brand new color system.

    Now you can make red, yellow and blue dyes, and combine them with sand, snow, wood and wax to paint them.

    When mixed with sand, you get colored sand:

    You can combine the dyes in any one of 64 combinations. Here are some sand blocks with varying amounts of dye:

    Then, you can melt colored sand, to make colored glass, here is purple glass:

    You can paint wax too, then make a candle, and the candle will shine that color. Here is a candle made with blue wax
  5. soulreafer


    Nov 6, 2011

    I finished up my CaveNoise.
    Now i connect the world and cavenoise togehter and trim a random sized hole on each top point of the cave to get some doors
    the caves are connected with a walking path in all directions :)
  6. soulreafer


    Nov 6, 2011
  7. pivotraze


    Feb 4, 2012
    Only problem is you fall through the floor of the water. I know that is from an earlier post where you were told to not put colliders on the water (or I think that was it?)

    Also, the jump height might be too high? I can jump up two blocks on this.

    and movement is too fast :p

    Finally, the flowers shouldn't have colliders, in my opinion :)
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
  8. soulreafer


    Nov 6, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
  9. Mike-D093


    Mar 29, 2012
    Well guys its been a while since i've posted in this thread.... great work to everyone who's been part of it... my initial interest in this thread spawned from a desire to create a block shaped terrain but not volumetric like MineCraft... I haven't had a lot of time to learning procedural mesh generation and honestly it's a little more than I needed so I did some searching just a few minutes ago and came across a few tools that helped IMMENSELY in my quest and I wanted to share them with any interested people:


    What I did was:
    1. opened up WORLD PAINTER and created the world how I wanted.... i turned off caves and water (need to remove foliage too) and then exported it as a minecraft .world file.....

    2. opened said .world file in JMC2OBJ and re-exported it as a .obj file

    3. inported said .obj file in blender and zoomed WAY out to inspect it.... and finally exported as a .fbx...

    4. dropped .fbx into Unity and almost pooped myself (I was very happy and am now sharing)....

    So if you're interested in just a blocky world that is imported as an art asset, this group of programs will definitely speed up the process and give good results... Hope this helps someone out!:mrgreen:
  10. Toasttify


    Mar 27, 2012
    Wow thank you very much Mike D, I created the terrain exported it, then finally got it to a 230mb fbx file (should of used smaller world). Then after importing to unity and generating colliders(took about 10mins) I have a fully walk-able terrain.

  11. soulreafer


    Nov 6, 2011
    I cleaned the landscape destruction.
    i think now i can say "ok that looks pretty nice!" :)

    looks like good cheese :p
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  12. CazicThule


    Nov 29, 2012
    What is this "Denis code" people keep mentioning in this thread? Could you link to it please?
  13. soulreafer


    Nov 6, 2011
  14. soulreafer


    Nov 6, 2011
    some sorts of decorations

    Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
  15. Dinrae


    Dec 19, 2012
    New to this thread (and after reading multiple times those goddamn 71 pages!), after playing a lot with examples given in this thread and coding my own stuffs, i now want to start to code an optimized engine ... but i still have no clue on how to handle threading.
    I think i understood basic concepts explained very well by Alexzzz, like how to mesh, how to transform voxel to usable unity prefab, ... but i don't understand how all those things interact together using threading (in background)
    If i understand well, it should be like:
    Chuck Generation (BackThreading) > Chunk2Prefab (BackThreading) > Meshing (BackThreading) > Show the stuff (Main Threading - Unity)

    I have read multiple times a link someone gave in this thread, but even with this ... well, i'm a bit lost, and i know the only thing i'm missing is this threading stuff.
  16. goldbug


    Oct 12, 2011
    Finally, we released Block Story for pc. It is for sale in desura right now.
  17. goldbug


    Oct 12, 2011
    You do not do any prefab. Basically the issue is that you cannot use any class from Unity in a background thread. However, you can do most of the heavy algorithms without Unity for the voxel terrain.

    So the sequence we have is more like:

    Chunk Generation (back thread) -> Light propagation (back thread) -> Calculating mesh parameters (back thread) -> Creating a mesh (Main thread - Unity) -> Creating a game object for the chunk (Main thread - Unity).

    When I say calculating mesh parameters, I mean to calculate the vertex array, color array, uv array, normal array. But then in the main thread you need to create the actual mesh using this data.
  18. GibTreaty


    Aug 25, 2010
    How do you go about getting block information when calculating the mesh? Do you stop the rest of the program from accessing the block array when calculating a mesh or do you copy the entire array so that the back-thread can do with it as it pleases?
  19. goldbug


    Oct 12, 2011
    I have an array of chunks, I don't put the chunk in the array until after it is generated, so there is no concurrency problem there.

    Also, I only have 2 threads: the GUI thread from unity, and a background thread for all the chunk management. The GUI NEVER modifies the chunks, If I mine somehting, it queues a message for the background thread telling it to mine it. This eliminates most of the race condition problems I would have otherwise.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  20. goldbug


    Oct 12, 2011
    Must watch video showing how to craft colored purple snow and red candle:

    Must watch about infinite depth
  21. KyleStaves


    Nov 4, 2009
    I'm curious how many draw calls you guys are getting with a relatively large view distance. I'm easily jumping up over 1000 DC's, either my chunks need to be very small for Unity to batch them (in which case there's tons of draw calls even taking the batching into consideration because the chunks are so tiny) - or Unity doesn't batch them and I'm looking at 1DC per.

    That's a screen shot of my world thus far (yea, nothing impressive - just got started yesterday). I ended up on 16x16x16 chunks (32^ hit the vertex limit with certain really noisy meshes) - that world is 32x4x16 chunks in size which seems large, but it's entirely possible standing on the top-right corner to see to the top-left corner.

    Is this a problem that anyone has solved? Or is it simply a setting you'll have to adjust based on the individual computer (in my case the draw calls don't seem to have any real impact on FPS anyway - I just don't want to go down a road that's going to bite me in the rear later if it's avoidable).

    I'm not creating an infinite voxel by the way, in case that's relevant in any way.

    Thanks for any input!

    By the way, huge thanks to everyone contributing to this thread for getting me started! Incredible amount of awesome advice in these pages.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2012
  22. Deadwall


    Feb 13, 2012
    So i had a thought about moving the verts and drew up this picture.

    Do you think it would be possible to get this effect?

    so you have the outside vertex check to see if there is a vertex below it 1 square down, then move towards 2 verts on a verical axis towards each other so that they form a slope instead of a step. Then have that calculation done at a maximum of like 1 square so that a 1 step would become a slope along 2 tiles and a 2 or more step up would not do the change.

    You would end up with a 1 rise in tiles be a slope along 2 cubes, and steps forming a hill would become a 45 degree angle sloped hill.
    quick mockup in 3dsmax:
  23. Foam


    Jun 13, 2012
    So over the break I implemented AABB collision detection and a basic physics engine. It wasn't too bad---the square nature of the world simplify things quite a bit---an octree for collision detection is straight forward and you don't need to get into more complex physics like rotating rigid bodies (at least not to start). It's also all extremely quick and efficient.

    I strongly suggest 2 books:

    Realtime Colllision Detection
    Game Physics Engine Development

    These two will pretty much cover you for anything you need. They're both pretty well written.
  24. Der_Kevin


    Jan 2, 2013
    Hey Guys!

    One year ago I started a game project called "Cube" Its basically a mixture of Minecraft, Zelda and Animal Crossing.

    I started to make some mockups and write down some design ideas. You can find the Project site at and have a look at some Screenshots like this:

    I dont wont to write down the whole game concept cause i think that would be too boring for you so i will go on to the next part of the story.

    After I had an Idea about what the game could look and feel i started to develop some stuff in Actionscipt and used the Stage3D extension and I came up with this . But then I realized, that my development skills are not that good to make this game and Stage3D was way too complicated for me so i decided to quit.

    But now I see what awesome stuff you guys did in Unity in some youtube videos (especially the videos made by the user soulreafer) and now I want to continue this project.

    So, I just wanted to ask if someone is interested to develop this game together with me? Its just a fun project so please dont expect any money but who knows... maybe this will gonna get huge!

    Or maybe you could give me a hint how I could change the camera into a third person camera. I know there are a ThirdPerson Camera Controller and Camera Components already in Unity but I am not realy sure how to use them ;)

    So, goodbye for now
  25. XavLar


    Feb 14, 2012
    That looks amazing! I would love to help improve the textures with you but I'm still at school :/

    P.S Are you making this in Unity or Flash?
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2013
  26. SevenBits


    Dec 26, 2011
    Yes, it looks neat.

    Oh, man, though, I've totally lost track of the stuff going on in the thread. That's what happens I guess when you have a thread with 1000+ posts...
  27. Der_Kevin


    Jan 2, 2013
  28. GibTreaty


    Aug 25, 2010
    That's the effect I was going for in my Free Terrain. It wasn't as smooth though but it worked.
  29. DaneC020


    Mar 19, 2010
    What you are asking is definitely possible. There are methods of doing surface nets or dual contouring that can generate a smooth mesh. I have actually been working on a system for my game using that technique. I am hoping to have a video post soon show casing some of it and gauge user interest. I am trying to work on a voxel package that can make multiple voxel types allowing a lot of visual choices. I would talk more but I am typing from my phone which is not ideal :).

  30. KyleStaves


    Nov 4, 2009
    I have a question on AABB Sweet testing for anyone who may know.

    I've been implementing AABB for my engine over the past couple of day and, as far as collision detection is concerned it's currently capable of:

    1) Quick collision test
    2) Slightly more expensive sweep test
    3) Ray testing

    The collision, as far as I can test, is working perfectly. However, I think I'm missing an obvious solution in terms of response. Currently, my response algorithm is as follows:

    Step 1: Get all possible collisions given my bounds and desired movement
    Step 2: Sort those collisions by time (normalized 0-1 number for how far into the movement sweep they occur) and - if they are the same time - the magnitude of the collision (so several collisions all at time 0 for example still get sorted by importance)
    Step 3: Take the best collision for each facing and clamp my movement accordingly (so if I'm mostly colliding on my right with something - that collision only clamps my right movement)

    This works perfectly in terms of never producing a false negative; however, it works less than ideal in terms of false positives (clipping movement that should slide instead). Today I'm going to address this by changing the algorithm to:

    Step 1: Get all possible collisions
    Step 2: Sort by time, then magnitude
    Step 3: Take the best collision overall, resolve it, remove it from the list of collisions
    Step 4: While unresolved collisions > 0
    -------------- Step 1: Re-run collision check for all unresolved collisions
    -------------- Step 2: Take the best collision overall, resolve it, remove it from the list of collisions
    -------------- Step 3: Remove any collisions which are no longer valid
    Step 5: Profit

    This *should* work perfectly I'd imagine - but I can't help but think there's a significantly more efficient way to accomplish said goal (sliding with virtually no false positives).

    Thanks for any input!
  31. goldbug


    Oct 12, 2011
    KyleStaves, your algorithm has a tiny bug: step 4.1 assumes no new collisions are generated by the movement clipping.
    This may not be the case, especially if the movement is large. There may be new collisions due to the clipping since you are going through a different path when you are sliding. You will be doing this every frame, so movement will most likely never be large enough, and this bug might not matter.

    A better implementation is: say you are at position p1 and going to move to position p2.

    function movementClip(p1, p2)
    get all possible collisions sweeping from p1 to p2;
    if empty, move to p2, and exit
    find closest collision // don't sort, sort is O(n*log(n)) finding the closest is O(n)
    calculate point of stop i1. This should be the position of your object when you collide
    project p2 along the axis you collided with to calculate i2, for example, if you collided in x, then i2 = (i1.x, p2.y, p2.z) // this works only because everything is axis aligned and it is very fast

    move object to i1

    movementClip(i1, i2);

    notice this is a recursive process, and in each iteration, you clip a little more and you can find new collisions. Unless you are having floating point errors, there should be no more than 3 steps, since in each step you stop moving in one of the axis.

    This algorithm does the sliding perfectly since when you clip the movement, you continue moving in all axis except the one where you collided.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
  32. KyleStaves


    Nov 4, 2009
    Can't thank you enough goldbug! Your post really made me take a step back and realize what was wrong with my whole collision setup.

    I was treating the collisions like a one-time list because, otherwise, I'd keep hitting the same block over and over and never move. I was sitting there trying to figure out how you avoided that with your approach and realized I was considering touching sides to be colliding in my base collision grab; swapping a few < > over to >= <= and now it's only considered a collision if any of the points are inside the other AABB, not just adjacent.
  33. Foam


    Jun 13, 2012
    Most physics engines actually have "resting" (touching a surface without penetrating) as a special case.

    Keeps you from getting weird oscillations due to floating point rounding.
  34. KyleStaves


    Nov 4, 2009
    I ended up doing exactly that; I have two different calls to check for collisions. One to check for touches, which checks penetration and adjacent surfaces - and then the sweep test which only checks for penetration.

    Next step for me is cleaning up everything now that it mostly works and doing some quick optimizations so I can get started building the gameplay out a bit before I revisit the voxel engine. The biggest thing I needed was a priority queue system (building a huge world without a queue leads to delays when interaction with parts of the world built out already).

    Anyhow, I found this which seems pretty awesome and figured someone else working on a similar setup may find it useful!
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
  35. KyleStaves


    Nov 4, 2009
    I have things working more or less how I want before I start in on making the actual game and figured it was time to share a quick video :D

    The lighting is entirely Unity at the moment - but I don't really plan to writing a lighting engine as part of it ever. Anyhow, huuuuge thanks to everyone in this thread - especially goldbug!
  36. goldbug


    Oct 12, 2011
    Looks like a solid start Kyle, looking forward to seeing more.

    You are probably past this point, but maybe you could find some value in my articles Block Engine demystified.
  37. KyleStaves


    Nov 4, 2009
    If by "maybe you could find some value" you mean "would have been lost without" then yup! Seriously though, thank you so much for writing those articles - they were invaluable in making this happen in such a short time span.
  38. thomasmahler


    Mar 18, 2009
    This looks really cool - the problem is that I don't think you thought how this design would work out later down the line. I had a very, very similar playable to this a while ago, but quickly changed the prototype to a 2d perspective cause of exactly that: The perspective. Once you dig deeper, the isometric perspective will totally get in the way, at which point you could resort to changing the perspective, at which point it'd turn into Minecraft.

    Isometric perspective in a digging game means that you'll not be able to go deeper into caves without completely confusing visuals or not enough visual information.
  39. XavLar


    Feb 14, 2012
    Well you could fade out blocks that are in the way of the camera, and have the camera rotate at a 90 degree angle when the player changes direction when they begin a new path going right. But I haven't really worked with isometric cameras before but that's how I imagine the solution would be.
  40. DaneC020


    Mar 19, 2010
    If you are looking to do an RTS style camera you should look at this project It looks like a very interesting game but I have been using it as a case study for my own stuff. I really wanted to do this style of view but was trying to figure out how it could work and then I seen how he handled it. I think there are probably a combination of things that could be done to make it better but I thought I would share since you mentioned it. :)

  41. alexzzzz


    Nov 20, 2010

    The farthest block, I guess, is about 400 meters away.

    On the screens above the world is split into 64x128x64 chunks. Terrain and light is generated for the whole chunk at once. The chunks are split into 64x8x64 subchunks. Meshes are generated for subchunks. I use texture atlases of 4 high resolution textures per atlas. If a subchunk contains blocks from different atlases then submeshes come to play. In average I get 1 or 2 submeshes per subchunk.

    A subchunk has to be very noisy to hit the vertex limit, but anyway it's possible to create two separate gameobjects for a subchunks if its geometry is two complex to fit in a single mesh.
  42. alexzzzz


    Nov 20, 2010
    I'm afraid it will slow down mesh generation pretty much. We need a straightforward and efficient algorithm but nothing comes to the mind.

    Here is a rough implementation:

    It takes ~500ms to generate a 32x32x32 mesh, and it doesn't correctly process vertices on mesh boundaries. I'm sure, I can make it faster but not 100 times faster.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
  43. WeirdoBc


    Dec 8, 2012
    Just a thought about "smoothing" the terrain. First, each block type need a property that tells if it's construct or not. We wouldn't want "hand-made" walls to behave like ground, won't we? ;)

    Second, Why not just calculate mean of surronding points? Just a thought.

    By the way, Castle Story did manage to smooth their terrain, so I guess it's doable.

    See ya,

  44. kingcharizard


    Jun 30, 2011
    That solution could work, but the player will get annoyed seeing the blocks always there, what you would have to do is remove them completely while the player is behind them. However, if the player wanted to dig them boxes that is where your problems begins because you'd have the player digging boxes that arent there or, you would have to move the camera every time the player changes direction which could get quite annoying..
  45. DaneC020


    Mar 19, 2010
    I have been playing with different methods outside of marching cubes and have had some success. I wanted to take it further before showing anything but this discussion interest me too much :D. Here is a 32x32x32 sphere created and a 32x32x32 terrain mesh created using Quads with a MeshCollider on each. The terrain mesh took ~42ms and the sphere takes ~50ms on a 4 year old 2.5ghz core 2 duo laptop. I don't know what that will be on a decent machine but right now I am happy with the speed.

    The results on the land aren't what I was hoping for but this is a very simple generation of land with no special changes to the algorithm for smoothing. I think after spending some more time analyzing this and try to figure out a way to smooth the data more I should be able to get nicer looking results.


    Attached Files:

  46. KyleStaves


    Nov 4, 2009
    @alexzzzz - Thanks for the input! I hadn't thought about splitting chunks into multiple meshes if they're over the vertex limit - it's a great idea.

    Lighting is, at the moment, my big killer in the draw calls - as I'm using Unity's lighting with shadows. I'm most likely going to have to do my own lighting eventually, but I'd really much rather stick with Unity's if I can get away with it (a lot of real time / moving lights in the game - and Unity's light looks so darn good).


    I got a couple of guns in (a blaster and a grenade launcher) and made some massive improvements to the actual world generation itself. I also added a quick toggle to enable/disable the particle effect since it's so performance heavy (it makes throwing grenades all over the screen look like the voxel engine is stuttering when it's really just the darn particles). When I'm less lazy I'll come up with a block destruction effect that's less taxing (with enough explosions I can push it above 10k draw calls which is ridiculous).
  47. Deadwall


    Feb 13, 2012
    incredible work! I looked at the mentioned Castle Story and the ground looks just like your example. They smooth grass and looked like they don't smooth dirt or rock. Also their land mass is much smaller, just small floating islands so they probably don't have to deal with mesh boundaries.
  48. Zed3D


    Jan 10, 2013
    Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but Minecraft renders anything visible in a chunk that you are in, a chunk is 16x16 blocks I think. Once you're out of them 16x16 it unrenders (I'm talking Y render, not X)
  49. alexzzzz


    Nov 20, 2010
    Instead of smoothing the entire geometry, I added an extra smoothing layer on top of existing blocky landscape. Without normal smoothing the mesh generation pass takes ~5ms per 32x32x32 chunk.

    Normal smoothing is very expensive, it takes extra ~20..250ms per 32x32x32 chunk. And since it is implemented as a geometry post-processing filter, it doesn't smooth normals between neighbor chunks.
  50. jc_lvngstn


    Jul 19, 2006
    Have to say though...the smoothing sure looks nice.
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