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Discussion Advices about game graphic

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by unity_1551-15, Nov 15, 2022.

  1. unity_1551-15


    Apr 20, 2021
    Hi, community. I wanna get some advices about game graphic.
    Maybe you know ways to simplify graphic or make it more retro/simple/cartoon
    I have found only info about posterization and Unity Toon shader
    Thx for all

    Something like this: (games: Link Awakening, Animal Crossing )

  2. burningmime


    Jan 25, 2014
    I wish there was a magic "make this look hyper-casual" button, but there's not; it's just artists who have a lot of practice with the style, knowledge of the tools, and patience to tweak things to look right.

    For the Link's Awakening image, you can see a lot of materials with high shininess/specularity (they appear to be using Blinn-Phong, which is the "simple lit" in Unity URP). They're using a perspective projection with a very low FOV (and the camera far away) which makes it look close to orthographic. Many of the materials are solid colors or with very simple textures. And of course stylized things like the tiered trees, high saturation, and high head-to-body ratio characters. From a technical/shader perspective, the only thing worth noting is the tilt shift depth of field, which you can accomplish easily using URP or HDRP without writing a line of HLSL. Just add depth of field and play with the settings until it looks right :).

    The animal crossing one is even simpler, although the banding in the water might be difficult to accomplish out of the box in Unity, since that's generally considered a Bad Thing. The lighting is extremely even, which you can accomplish by pumping up your ambient probe and turning down sunlight. The only notable thing shader-wise is the anisotropy on the hair, which at a glance looks like Kajiya-Kay (lots of assets on the asset store, or easy to implement yourself; the only hard part is figuring out how to hook into Unity's lighting system, which is a PITA in URP and it changes every version).
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