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(Advertisement.IsReady("rewardedVideo")) is never true on device

Discussion in 'Unity Ads & User Acquisition' started by crowbartool, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. crowbartool


    Jan 24, 2016
    (Advertisement.IsReady("rewardedVideo")) is never true on device but always works in unity.

    I'm unable to add STORE GAME ID in the unity console using the URL lookup as my app is still in alpha on google play store and the link is not publicly available. Could this be the issue? Is there a workaround if this is the issue? My GameID is the same as what is listed on the unity developer console.

    I installed Unity ads through the Services window using Unity 5.3.4f1 personal edition.

    EDIT: Whelp... nothing like an nice 6 hour snooze to help you figure out what's wrong... damn Adaway adblocker lol
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
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