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Adventure Creator - Make 3D adventure games (DEMO, VIDEO, WEBSITE)

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by ChrisIceBox, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    How can I compare <assets located in my case> ActionList's parameter (GameObject) to None?

    I'm using ActionList.CheckParameter for this.
    Parameter is ActionLists's GameObject parameter
    Value Is equal to is set to None.
    If condition is met: Continue to other jobs
    If condition is not met: Skip to work with parameter's object

    If I set ActionList's parameter to real object, all works with parameter object (condition is not met). But if I set parameter = None, condition is not met again, and appropriate Actions work with None object <and raise an error>.

    Unity 5.1.1, AC 1.47b

  2. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Please post a screenshot of your Action / ActionList, so I can see clearly what you have.
  3. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    I've sent it by support email.
  4. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    This is now fixed, along with a whole host of other bugfixes and general improvements. Version 1.48:

    Upgrade notes
    • “Hide currently active Item in Menu?” checkbox is now a popup box, and will need to be updated if it was checked
    • Static functions in GlobalVariables to read and write linked variables now synchronise by default - no need to call Upload() or Download()
    • “Hide currently active Item in Menu?” checkbox in Settings Manager is now a popup box, and will need to be updated if it was checked

    • Added: Inventory properties - Define variables that all items, or items in a category, can have their own values of
    • Added: Ability to display an Inventory Item’s properties in a Label menu element
    • Added: Ability to set a “minimum drag distance” when using a drag and drop Inventory interface, below which the item is not selected
    • Added: Inventory items can now have an optional Cursor graphic that is used specifically when the item is selected
    • Added: Inventory items can now be re-ordered using the Demo game’s Inventory Unity UI canvas
    • Added: Ability to display a dedicated “selected” graphic in an InventoryBox when an Inventory Item is selected
    • Added: Script variable to RuntimeInventory.cs that records the last-clicked Inventory item, regardless of the InventoryBox type that contains it
    • Changed: “Hide currently active Item in Menu?” checkbox in Settings Manager is now a popup box, and will need to be updated if it was checked
    • Fixed: UI errors in “Inventory: Crafting” and “Inventory: Select” Actions
    • Fixed: Issues when using Containers with “drag and drop” inventory
    • Fixed: Inventory not resetting correctly if the “Engine: End game” Action is used to restart a game that features multiple Player prefabs
    • Fixed: Display issues with the Hotspot label when a selected Inventory item hovers over another item in a Container

    Scene changing
    • Added: Ability to load scenes asynchronously. Works both with and without intermediate loading screens.
    • Added: Ability to delay loading screens when asynchronous loading is used. Useful for fade effects in the loading screen itself
    • Added: New Menu appear type - “While Loading”. Use to display Menus while loading a new scene.
    • Added: New Timer type - “Loading Progress”. Use to show the progress made while loading a new scene, if loading is asynchronous
    • Added: The “Engine: Change scene” Action now accept parameters
    • Fixed: Occasional error when loading a scene that includes a RememberNavMesh2D component
    • Fixed: Incorrect scene sometimes being loaded if the “Engine: End game” Action is used to reset a scene

    • Added: Integration for Rogo Digital LipSync asset (!/content/32117)
    • Added: Generated script sheets are now formatted in HTML for clearer readability
    • Added: Ability to generate script sheets for all defined translations
    • Added: Speech token [hold] - use to display a line of speech indefinitely, until the “Dialogue: Stop speech” Action is run
    • Fixed: Speech tokens not working with non-scrolling text
    • Fixed: Script sheets displaying incorrect expected filename for the Player’s speech audio files
    • Fixed: Rare instances of speech text not being skippable in built games

    • Added: Ability to transfer an ActionList’s parameters onto another when using the “ActionList: Run” Action
    • Added: Ability to enter multiple lines of text into a String parameter box, allowing for multi-line speech to be parameterised
    • Fixed: “ActionList: Check parameter” not being able to check for an empty GameObject parameter field
    • Fixed: Certain ActionLists references by “ActionList: Run in parallel” Action not being processed by Speech Manager’s “Gather text” feature
    • Fixed: ActionLists not skipping when told to in very rare circumstances

    • Added: Error messages in the Console if PlayerMenus’ static functions are called before the Menus are initialised
    • Added: Option to avoid adding the same page twice when using the “Menu: Change state” Action to add a page to a Journal
    • Added: “Menu: Set Journal page” Action - use to change the active page in a Journal
    • Added: Ability to specific an ActionList asset that is run whenever a page is added to a Journal
    • Added: Script functions to MenuJournal.cs to get the current page number and total page numbers
    • Added: Option to Adventure Creator-based Menus with Size set to Automatic to resize themselves every frame
    • Added: Option to all Menus to keep within screen boundary (on by default)
    • Added: Elements in Unity UI-based Menus can now change the Cursor when hovered over
    • Added: Option to choose whether disabled Unity UI slots are disabled, or have their content cleared, when made invisible
    • Fixed: Unity 5.2 crashing when using Unity UI-based Menus
    • Fixed: Menus that use Unity UI being interactive during cutscenes
    • Fixed: Unity UI-based InventoryBox not allowing items to be re-ordered if drag-drop is enabled
    • Fixed: If “Dialogue: Toggle option” is used to amend a Conversation that is currently displaying, the Conversation Menu is not updated

    Non-AC game compatibility

    • Added: Improved stability when moving from an AC scene to a non-AC one
    • Added: Ability to add or remove the GameEngine prefab mid-game - AC will “sleep” until it is returned
    • Added: IStateChange script interface - place on GameEngine object to trigger custom code only when the game’s state change
    • Changed: If the MainCamera is parented to an unknown object, it is no longer de-parented, but a warning message is displayed

    • Added: Ability to show and hide a scene’s Markers within the Scene Manager’s Visibility panel
    • Added: ActionLists and Conversations listed in the Game window when debugging can be clicked on to “ping” the relevant GameObject in the Hierarchy window
    • Fixed: Minor display issues in ActionList Editor window

    Saving and loading
    • Added: Ability to choose which elements get loaded when using the “Save: Save or load” Action to load a saved game file

    • Added: The “Variable: Set” Action now accepts Integer parameters to set the value of PopUp variables
    • Added: Ability to ignore Global Variables linked to Options Data when using the “Variable: Assign preset” Action
    • Changed: Static functions in GlobalVariables to read and write linked variables now synchronise by default - no need to call Upload() or Download()
    • Fixed: “Variable: Assign preset” Action not having an “After running” option

    • Added: Option in “Player: Switch” Action to transfer the current player’s Inventory items onto the new player
    • Fixed: 2D Players that make use of Tint Maps not using them after a scene change
    • Fixed: Various issues when skipping ActionLists that involve switching player prefab
    • Fixed: NPCs moving out of the Player’s way if they are waiting at a node along a Path
    • Fixed: Character Inspector not updating correctly when changing a Character’s animation engine from Sprites Unity Complex to Sprites Unity
    • Fixed: CanBeDirectControlled() function not being present on base Char script, only Player
    • Fixed: “Only move when sprite changes?” option on Player / NPC Inspectors causing different move speeds on different systems
    • Fixed: Player footstep sounds not set to the correct volume after switching prefab using the “Player: Switch” Action
    • Fixed: Path Cutscenes not running if a Wait time is specified for the Path
    • Fixed: Warning messages appearing if no PlayerStart is found when no Player prefab is assigned

    • Added: Ability to choose the direction that the cursor searches for NavMeshes in Point And Click games
    • Added: Message to Console if a non-First Person game begins with the cursor locked

    Movie clips
    • Added: “Engine: Play movie clip” Action can now play movies full-screen on non-mobile platforms - this is now the default playback type
    • Fixed: “Engine: Play movie clip” Action not running correctly if “Wait until finish?” is checked

    • Added: The “Input: Check” Action can now be used to detect single or double mouse clicks or touch-screen taps
    • Added: Custom tokens - tokens of the form [token:ID] in Label elements and speech text can be replaced by strings assigned in custom scripts
    • Added: If the New Game Wizard is used to create a game with a blank GUI, then a single “Use” cursor will still be created
    • Added: When a draggable object is moved using the “Moveable: Set track position” Action, the movement can be cancelled if a collision occurs
    • Added: Public function to DetectHotspots script to retrieve all Hotspots detected within it’s bounding volume
    • Added: The “Camera: Fade” Action can now be used to fade in or out while already in the middle of an existing transition
    • Added: (Slightly) improved lighting to 3D Demo in Unity 5
    • Fixed: Gameplay rarely becoming blocked if a new scene is loaded with no “On start” Cutscene
    docsavage, TonyLi and Ostwind like this.
  5. gygabor


    Sep 17, 2012
    Hi Chris,

    Is there a way to save and use the Local Variables in another scene? I`m using Adventor Creator 1.48

    Best regards,
  6. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Apologies for the delay. Local variables should be saved automatically. On what platform are you working on / building to?
  7. Davidesan


    Oct 25, 2013

    I'm interested in your product but I'm wondering how to handle a full complex scenario ?
    Is there an integrated tool to handle the story ?

    Best regards,

  8. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Branching stories can be made with smart use of variables. Global (game-wide) and Local (per-scene) variables can be defined in the editor, and their values can be changed / read during gameplay so that you can keep track of player decisions. These variables are saved automatically in save game files, streamlining the process for you.
  9. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    How can a user <standartly> examine an inventory item on the mobile device without Right Mouse Button?
    I can't find a way...
  10. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Two touches act as the equivalent of a RMB.
  11. pushingpandas


    Jan 12, 2013
    Hello, can I animate characters with this asset or do I need specific motion files for that? I understand its a adventure asset but its difficult to find all needed animation for specfic scences like pick up item from ground etc. Most animations avail are only walk, run, die, fight ...
  12. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    Hi Chris,
    Sure it was the first I've tried. May be it depends on AC setting, but I've tried a lot of their combinations and didn't find nessesary one.

    After your message I've found the only way
    1. Hold first finger on empty from GUI screen place
    2. Touch item's icon by second finger twice not very quicly
    This method works, but after all this a icon-cursor remains on the place where the first finger was.

    It should be notised that when I say Mobile Device I mean Android only. We don't develop for iOS or WinPhone at the moment.
  13. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Adventure Creator provides no artwork or animation - it is intended for building games once you have those ready.
  14. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    In what way does it work? Does it trigger the examine interaction? Are you using AC Menus or Unity UI?

    In case you have plans for it: Windows Phone has too many library restrictions for AC to run reliably on it - see the FAQ page.
  15. pushingpandas


    Jan 12, 2013
    Is there any IOS game that I can see how its play on the mobile devices?
  16. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    Yes, after described manipulations Examine interaction is normally triggered. This manipulations fully simulate RMB click, except the remining of a icon-cursor artefact.
    We are using UnityUI.

  17. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    I'm afraid not I don't have one to show personally, but you can ask other developers on the official forum for advice. I also know that The Journey Back was made with AC.
    pushingpandas likes this.
  18. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    I'm afraid I'm lost - you mean the cursor displays when/where it shouldn't do? If you could post a screenshot or some visual aid, then it'd be easier for me to see what the issue is.
  19. pushingpandas


    Jan 12, 2013
    I checked TJB. Its awesome. Is the first person controller from AC or do they used something different? This HOLD FINGER TO WALK is great. Any idea which assets they used? Thank you!
  20. pushingpandas


    Jan 12, 2013
    TJB looks great. Which assets do they might used?

    Ahh found anser in the Credits :)

    Adventure Creator
    Polywood Woodland
    mesh baker

  21. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    The author made a post here, and he's pretty open - if you PM him he might give more insight into the specifics.
  22. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    Well, cursor works correctly. It is logically that the one is there and looks as item's icon after described manipulations. At least for the developer. But Android gamer may be surprised. He only wanted to see item's description, but he has a strange picture in a strange place after this.
    Main problem is the difficult manipulation needed to examine an inventory item on mobile screen. All will be easy if examination can be done by double click for example. Not RBM click.
  23. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    I believe the
    I believe the issue is that the item is being selected in the first click, so it's changing the cursor. If you follow up the description Action with an Inventory: Select Action, you can use it to manually de-select the item. If you want the item to stop showing up on the cursor altogether, you can change this in the Cursor Manager - might be better to show your selected item inside a separate Menu if you're on mobile. Just create an InventoryBox menu element, and change it's "Inventory Box Type" to "Selected Item".

    As for double-tapping - the first tap would select the item, so that wouldn't be able to work.
  24. Davidesan


    Oct 25, 2013

    Another question:
    Is it by default possible to add dynamically object (not only the way Unity3d permits but with all the story configuration on an objet..) on the scene?
    The idea is to have a scenario engine that would inject objects and configuration to create dynamic stories ?
    Is that possible out of box (just the way to inject objects and configuration on the scene, not the scenario engine..) ?

    Thank you,

  25. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean. Are you talking about randomisation of variables? That would be quite simple, though it would involve writing a custom Action that can randomise your variables. Custom Actions can be used to do almost anything - a tutorial about writing them can be found here.
  26. Davidesan


    Oct 25, 2013
    Sorry for the misunderstanding.
    I would like to do programmatically all the things Adventure creator allow to do via the editors (particulary configure all the events on a scene object).
    Is that possible ?
  27. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Generally so. Check out the Scripting Guide for descriptions on all of AC's public functions and variables. Section 12 of the Manual also details some of the more common ones and how to access them.

    Additionally, here's a tutorial on coding an interaction entirely through script.
  28. reocwolf


    Aug 1, 2013
    IDK if this has been asked before. But is AC compatible with Rewired? I'm using rewired to handle input over UFPS. In the documentation I saw that to integrate AC you have to set it up so that it recognizes UFPS input for movement. But I think Rewired overrides UFPS input.
  29. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Not officially, no. However, the link between AC and UFPS is essentially all done within one bridge script - UltimateFPSIntegration.cs. I haven't used Rewired myself, but it may be possible for you to modify that script to work with Rewired as well.
  30. Hormic


    Aug 12, 2014
    @reocwolf: and if you have a solution, please share it cause i also want to use rewired with AC and UFPS in the next iteration for my game! Thank you very much.

    @ChrislceBox: I have a question regarding updating the AC-Asset.
    Can i just import a newer version over the older one? I usually just work with the same version i began, cause i'm always afraid some things will srewed when i update the assets and i'm in the middle of my developing process.
    reocwolf likes this.
  31. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    It's strongly recommended to always keep up-to-date with AC, since each release contains dozens of bugfixes and new features. Of course, back up your project beforehand, but the changelog.txt file always lists important notes under "Upgrade notes" for each version. These notes inform you of any changes made to AC that you will need to be aware of, in case it might affect anything in your project.
    Hormic likes this.
  32. reocwolf


    Aug 1, 2013
    Any idea where to do it? 'Cause Rewired also has a bridge script that essentially takes vp_input and I guess overrides the defined inputs with the ones in rewired.

    I suggest AC supports rewired and incontrol since they're both great for managing input and supporting most controllers. Rewired is a lot easier though and has instant support for UFPS and other assets with just one click. The problem would get more complicated by supporting AC/UFPS input together. I'm gonna message the guys at rewired to see if the plan on supporting AC themselves.

    Attached Files:

  33. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    @reocwolf - Are you having any issues with AC + UFPS + Rewired? I just recently started using the combination, and it hasn't broken anything so far. To create my AC player prefab, I added a UFPS AdvancedPlayer into the scene and set it up according to the AC tutorial. Then I added a Rewired UFPS Input Manager according to Rewired's instructions. I made it a child of the AdvancedPlayer, and saved this whole thing as a prefab. Then I deleted it from the scene and assigned the prefab to AC's Settings > Player.

    AC continues to use Unity's default input manager. The UltimateFPSIntegration.cs script doesn't do anything with input; it pretty much just mediates camera control between AC and UFPS, so you can leave it untouched.

    If you want AC to use Rewired input definitions, I think you just need to edit AC's PlayerInput.cs. (Chris - It would be nice if PlayerInput were virtual so we could override functionality with a subclass instead of modifying the original file.) You should be able to get away with editing two methods: InputGetButtonDown and InputGetButtonUp. The methods currently work with Unity default input and Ouya input. Change them to read Rewired inputs instead.

    I am having one issue, but I'm not sure if it's related: When my scene has an OnStart cutscene, even if it's blank, I can look around but I can't move. I'm about to test a clean project to see what step breaks movement.

    [EDIT: Looks like an unrelated problem. The clean project with AC + UFPS + Rewired works fine with cutscenes.]
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    Hormic likes this.
  34. longroadhwy


    May 4, 2014
    That is great news to hear Tony that everything works together.
  35. reocwolf


    Aug 1, 2013
    I made a new clean project and now it works. Except for the interactions. Which I guess I can solve. It's weird 'cause even when I made this new project it didn't work until I hit play the second time.
  36. reocwolf


    Aug 1, 2013
    @TonyLi Did you get it to interact with AC? I'll keep trying tomorrow.
  37. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    What interactions aren't working? My needs for Rewired are pretty basic, so I may not have encountered the same issues as you. I only pulled Rewired it into the project for gamepad support with UFPS. I'm using AC's default functionality to interact with hotspots where the camera is looking. I can also press Alt to free up the mouse and interact with hotspots and AC-driven Unity UI menus.
  38. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    AC version 1.49 is out. @reocwolf, it also includes the ability to override AC's Input detection functions - a tutorial can be found here, if you're interested.

    Upgrade notes
    • The maximum number of values in the “Variable: Check random number” Action is now capped at 100
    • The PersistentEngine prefab has been updated - please be sure to re-import it when updating
    • An issue involving Lipsync files not being read if a character has an alternative name written in their Hotspot component has been fixed

    • Added: Character wizard - use to quickly assign the correct tags and components to a sprite or model to convert into an AC-ready Player or NPC
    • Added: Improved error messages if a Sprites Unity-based Character does not have the expected standard animations (Unity 5 only)
    • Added: Option for 2D characters in 3D games to rotate according to either the camera’s facing direction, or it’s relative position to the character
    • Added: Slider to Settings Manager to control how often pathfinding is recalculated (the default value of zero results in no re-calculations)
    • Added: Warning message if a 2D character’s “sprite child” has a non-zero position
    • Changed: “Return to Idle after?” option in Character: Animate Actions for Mecanim and Sprites Unity Complex characters has been removed, since it has no effect
    • Fixed: NPCs not pathfinding their way around a scene when following another character (2D only)
    • Fixed: “Turn before walking” option on Player / NPC Inspectors not affecting characters that resume moving along a Path
    • Fixed: Rare issue involving NPCs facing wrong direction after loading a saved game

    Custom scripting
    • Added: Quick-start page to the front of the Scripting Guide
    • Added: Ability to use delegates to override AC’s input check functions (see tutorial on website)
    • Added: ActionListAssets can now be run through script by calling their “Interact” function
    • Added: Ability to call custom events when a Hotspot’s highlight effect is turned on and off
    • Added: New function to PlayerMenus.cs - RebuildMenus() - use to rebuild all menus from a custom Menu Manager asset during gameplay

    • Added: Option to “Engine: Change scene” Action to only preload the scene - if the same scene is then called later, loading time is reduced
    • Added: Ability to constrain both horizontal and vertical scrolling with Parallax2D component
    • Fixed: Error when entering an AC scene from a non-AC one when Audio Mixer Groups are used (Unity 5 only)

    • Added: Ability to amend or add new translations at runtime, using the new script “RuntimeLanguages”, found on the PersistentEngine
    • Added: Ability to re-colour dialogue options that have already been clicked on
    • Added: Ability to define the AudioSource that a character’s speech audio plays from, rather than it having to be from the root GameObject
    • Added: Option to play text-scrolling audio every letter, or only when the audio has finished previously playing
    • Added: Warning messages to console if lipsyncing is enabled but the required files are not found
    • Added: Support for Papagayo v2 Lipsync files
    • Fixed: Exported translations now convert empty strings to a single space character to aid importing into external spreadsheet tools
    • Fixed: “Display speech forever until user skips it?” causing background speech to behave incorrectly
    • Fixed: Lipsync files not being read if a character has an alternative name written in their Hotspot component

    • Added: Option to Third-person cameras for input magnitude to affect the rotation speeds
    • Added: Ability to set lower and upper limits for the influence that panning the cursor has over a GameCamera’s rotation
    • Fixed: GameCamera occasionally spinning out of control if it’s rotation in the Y-axis exceed 360 degrees
    • Fixed: Custom fade textures set in “Camera: Fade” Action being ignored since v1.48
    • Fixed: Third-person cameras occasionally starting at incorrect rotations if the scene begins with a Cutscene
    • Fixed: Cursor issues when drag-controlling a Third-person camera

    • Added: Ability to define per-Hotspot unhandled Inventory interactions, which will override any defined in the Inventory Manager

    • Added: “Object: Call event” Action - use to select and invoke functions on an object
    • Added: Ability in the Actions Manager to re-colour Actions displayed in the ActionList Editor
    • Added: Button to lower-right corner of ActionList Editor window that toggles the display of an ActionList’s properties
    • Added: Ability to bring up the ActionList Editor window by double-clicking on an ActionList Asset
    • Added: Error messages if the copy buffer is lost when Actions are pasted into a new scene
    • Changed: The maximum number of values in the “Variable: Check random number” Action is now capped at 100
    • Changed: Renamed the “Engine: Pause” Action to “Engine: Wait”, to better describe it’s purpose
    • Fixed: Actions in a scene-based ActionList not showing in the Inspector if the gameobject is disabled
    • Fixed: Various issues with “Copy Marker” feature of “Object: Transform” Action
    • Fixed: Rare issue where gameplay is blocked indefinitely if an ActionList that has not been edited is run

    • Added: Option to draw Hotspot icons in World Space, instead of Screen Space
    • Added: Ability to tweak intensity and transition duration values of Highlight components
    • Fixed: Disabled Hotspots highlighting or showing icons in rare circumstances
    • Fixed: Hotspots being able to be detected while dragging a Third-person camera

    • Added: Ability for Triggers to limit their detection to GameObjects with a specific tag
    • Added: Triggers now show a red polygon instead of a cube if the Box Collider is replaced with a Polygon Collider

    • Added: Ability to shift the Player’s starting position when switching scene by their position relative to a Marker in the previous scene
    • Fixed: Issues with tank control option for Direct movement

    • Added: Ability to define an ActionList that runs when a Slider menu element is manipulated
    • Added: Ability to define the minimum and maximum values of Slider menu elements
    • Added: Improved interface for managing the pages within a Journal menu element
    • Changed: Menu elements that do not need to be translated are no longer included in translation files
    • Changed: If a Menu Element is duplicated, any link to a Unity UI object is now severed
    • Fixed: Slider menu elements being interactive during cutscenes
    • Fixed: Display issues with default “InGame” Unity UI prefab
    • Fixed: Issues when copying menu elements

    • Changed: Removed “show cursors side by side” option in Cursor Manger if hardware cursor rendering is selected, since it has no effect
    • Fixed: Look cursor icon not always showing if hardware cursor rendering is selected
    • Fixed: Cursor icons used when dragging objects not being a fixed size if Hardware cursor rendering is enabled
    • Fixed: Cursor sometimes flickering when clicking on Hotspots in Context Sensitive mode

    • Fixed: Draggables still being interactive when a Menu should be blocking cursor clicks
    • Fixed: PickUp objects flying from player’s control after they stop being rotated

    • Fixed: Music occasionally re-starting when the game is paused (Unity 4 only)
    • Added: If a “Sound: Play” is used to play an AudioClip but no Sound object is supplied, the scene’s “Default Sound prefab” will be used instead

    • Added: Messages sent to the Console window can now be turned off under “Debug settings” in the Settings Manager
    • Added: When an ActionList asset is run, it’s temporary scene object will be placed in the “_Cutscenes” scene folder, if it exists, to reduce clutter
    • Added: The Shapeable component Inspector now allows you to select Blendshapes by name, rather than index
    • Changed: The PersistentEngine prefab has been updated - please be sure to re-import it when updating
    • Changed: The toolbar links to load the 2D or 3D Demo managers will not be shown if the relevent demo folder is not imported into the project
    • Fixed: Conflict errors if a script named “Sprite” is present in a project
    • Fixed: Issues when using simulated inputs with QTE sequences
    • Fixed: 3D Demo’s circular wipe transition not animating in Unity 5.2
    • Fixed: Adventure Creator un-pausing the game if another script or asset is used to pause
    marcos and TonyLi like this.
  39. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    In AC 1.49, Chris added delegates to PlayerInput that let you replace AC's default input handling. He published a tutorial here. When I get a chance, I'll post a script here that hooks in Rewired's input.
  40. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Here's a basic Rewired script (ACInputRewired.cs):
    Code (csharp):
    1. using UnityEngine;
    3. public class ACInputRewired : MonoBehaviour
    4. {
    6.     public int playerId = 0;
    8.     private Rewired.Player player;
    10.     void Start()
    11.     {
    12.         AC.KickStarter.playerInput.InputGetButtonDownDelegate = CustomGetButtonDown;
    13.         player = Rewired.ReInput.players.GetPlayer(playerId);
    14.     }
    17.     private bool CustomGetButtonDown(string buttonName)
    18.     {
    19.         return player.GetButtonDown(buttonName);
    20.     }
    22. }
    Add it to your scene. You might find it convenient to add it to your player prefab or your GameEngine prefab. If you add this, you need to define all of your AC inputs as Rewired actions (e.g., "FlashHotspots", "InteractionA", "InteractionB", etc.).

    It swaps AC's default "get button down" checking with Rewired's. If it turns out your project needs "get button up" or other input from Rewired, you can add those in the same manner. Chris documented all four delegates in the API reference.
  41. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Thanks Tony! I've updated the tutorial with a link to this post.
  42. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Please feel free to copy it into the tutorial itself if you don't want to maintain links all over the place.
    Hormic likes this.
  43. LarryWP


    Oct 31, 2014
    I had been following AC for many months, reading some of the manual, YouTube tutorials, forum posts, but did not buy it until today. Man, I am so impressed with this asset and the support Chris gives, along with his website which has phenominal information.

    After working on the 2D tutorial and getting a first person view of the options, this is by far the best asset I own. I have a bunch too, way too many. Thanks for making this Chris!
  44. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Thanks Larry, glad to hear it!
  45. LarryWP


    Oct 31, 2014
    One question so far. I am doing the 2D tutorial, and when I click for Brain to walk around, he goes to the side first. In other words, lets say he is at the left where the starting arrow is. I click to the center and below the tree trunk. He turns left and goes to the edge of the screen, walks forward to the front, then over to where I clicked. Same with the right side. He goes the long way to get to the center. I have redone the navmesh and made the polygon collider as simple as I can, but no matter what, Brain goes the long way. I need to play that Supertramp song with this tutorial "Take The Long Way Home."
  46. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Are there any warnings in the Console, and is this a Brain prefab you've created following the tutorial? If so, temporarily remove him from the scene and add in the 2D Demo's copy of him, Brain2D, and see if he exhibits the same behaviour. It's important to determine whether this is a problem with the character, or with the NavMesh.

    I will need to see screenshots of the problem to diagnose it - specifically the NavMesh, Brain's Inspector, and the Scene and Settings Managers.
  47. LarryWP


    Oct 31, 2014
    There is a warning:

    The sprite child of 'MyPlayer' is not positioned at (0,0,0) - is this correct?
    UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object, Object)
    AC.ACDebug:LogWarning(Object, Object) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Static/ACDebug.cs:23)
    AC.Char:_Awake() (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Character/Char.cs:366)
    AC.Player:Awake() (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Character/Player.cs:65)
  48. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    In that case, the problem is likely because of what the warning is telling you about. Make sure that Brain's sprite (which should be a child object of the GameObject with the Player script, is positioned at (0,0,0).
  49. LarryWP


    Oct 31, 2014
    I have reset it over and over to 0, 0, 0 and it still gives me this warning.
  50. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    It may be embedded within your animation. Make sure his position is not being recorded in any of the animations - it's easy to do accidentally if you move the sprite when building them.