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Ads timer is the reason for some bad user reviews.

Discussion in 'Unity Ads & User Acquisition' started by cthulhu2duo, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. cthulhu2duo


    Apr 13, 2015
    I've been using UnityAds for a long time. But recently, I've faced with some problem.
    Some of my players rate game with 1 star, complaining about 30 seconds unskippable ads. But I'm not using it, I allow to skip it after 5 sec. The reason of their complain, is that skipping arrow appears only after 5 secs, and before this moment user can't understand, that he would able to skip ads, because timer show full length of video. So, I think Unity Ads needs some indicator, or maybe show time, that remains to skipping ability appears, like it was before.
    P.S. Sorry for my bad English.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019