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Feedback Ads on search page. Can we not Unity?

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by HoldTheLine, Jun 1, 2021.

  1. HoldTheLine


    Jul 31, 2014
    The user experience here is disheartening. You should be doing what you can to help your users find the assets they need and generate your revenue from the sale of that asset instead of featuring a completely unrelated asset above the fold on the search results page.


    Attached Files:

    Kennth likes this.
  2. firstuser


    May 5, 2016
    How is that "completely unrelated" ? It has a ragdoll system built in...
  3. HoldTheLine


    Jul 31, 2014
    If its relevant to the search query, it should be included higher in the results like any other asset. The first actual result for the search query is "Ragdoll Creatures" for a reason firstuser.
    Kennth likes this.
  4. Kennth


    Aug 11, 2017
    I tried it and even when you change the filter to Sort by Price ( low to High ) you still get that
    thrown in your face in a big block of advertising. seems like no respect to me.
    HoldTheLine likes this.
  5. firstuser


    May 5, 2016
    That's what they're doing via the featured section, there is a banner right there "Recommended by our users"
    It'S fEaTuReD fOr A ReaSoN hoLdThELiNe lol

    Yes and it's also not featured for a reason.

    You're nitpicking over a featured asset related to your search keyword. It has nothing to do with respect, it's 'poor user experience' only if you're actively looking to be outraged, and you were wrong that it's "completely unrelated"

    Take the L and move on.
    Pixelith likes this.
  6. HoldTheLine


    Jul 31, 2014
    I'm giving constructive criticism with 10 years experience as a web developer. Sounds like you're the one actively looking to be outraged. The space above the fold is the most important to the user, and filling it with ad space is selfish from a user experience perspective.
    Kennth likes this.
  7. Pixelith


    Jun 24, 2014
    I gotta agree with firstuser on this one.

    It would be different if you were searching ragdoll and got a material pack, but what you got was a system that includes the use of ragdolls. It's not even an ad, it's the highest rated asset that can fit those keywords.

    For example, if you type in fighting, you get UFE as the featured asset. You type in animation and you get UMotion. Combine those keywords and you get HQ Fighting Animations. Each of these keywords work to try and fit your search and find the highest rated asset. You type in ragdoll and you get invector. Why? Because it's the highest rated asset that fits those minimalist keywords. HOWEVER, type in ragdoll physics and you get Puppet Master. More keywords means less "fluff" that can be shown and a more precise search.
    firstuser likes this.
  8. Kennth


    Aug 11, 2017
    Unity makes it's money by selling assets. IF they can push a higher price asset it makes them more money. Fact.

    If you bother to go look at Total Reviews ....

    Third Person Controller Shooter Template has 225 Reviews WHILE
    In that same search you can see
    Game Kit Controller has 248 Reviews

    What is NOT mentioned is the Fact that if * you want more then a simple shooter game, you WILL need to buy more add-ons to make Third Person Controller more functional, thus making Unity even more money.

    So just for S***zzz n giggles I added up what all the extra add-ons would cost, Mostly based on the same criteria Sort by popularity .. ( I also added what I know is in Game Kit Controller )

    The Total cost for Third Person Controller Shooter Template to make it comparable to what is in GKC is 210.00 $ US versus Game Kit Controller for 50.00$ US. ( and GKC goes on sale a lot for 25 $, it was just awhile back )

    SO my point is to me ( imho ) it looks like Unity is acting more in it's interest then in the customers interest.
    BTW if you go to all available support sites .. you will find far more options and " engagement " by GKC.

    AND if you want a real laugh, key in the word search " ragdoll maker " which makes more sense for what for what I think he was looking for.. if you key in ragdoll maker .. you do not get what you your looking for.

    When trying to key in the words " ragdoll system " again you get the same result, but at lest
    GCK is easier to see as an alternative.

    Point is if you just took the recommendation with out doing a bit of extra research, you would end up " Throwing good money after bad " kind of makes me think about goggle results. LOL..

    In closing that is all my thought here .. after being in Unity since the beginning of Unity 5 ..
    I am far more careful buying assets now.. and now I pretty much will only buy on 50 % sales or more..
    What they did to Bolt.. just did me in as far as trust goes, plain and simple.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2021
    HoldTheLine likes this.
  9. Kennth


    Aug 11, 2017
    If you do a search for " ragdoll creator " Sort by Relevance
    you get a 60.00$ dollar asset pushed ..

    Over a 9.00$ asset called Easy Ragdoll Creator interestingly enough.

    Further investigation The 60.00 $ asset Ragdoll Mecanim Mixer + Bonus
    Release history was first released Released: Oct 10, 2019 The Current Version 1.01
    is LAST update Mar 28, 2020 ..( Over a YEAR ago ) Further Still clicking on the Publisher
    it is his only asset. So 1 ( one ) asset...

    The Easy Ragdoll Creator Was Original Released: Jan 18, 2018 ...
    The Current Version Version 1.98a Released: Apr 26, 2021 ( just a little while ago )
    Further Still clicking on the Publisher reveals he has 2 ( Two ) assets on the store.
    His other asset is called Easy Pedestrians Creator.

    As I mentioned I been around Unity since version 5 .. and have learnt a few rules I use to avoid or try
    to avoid deprecated assets.. Among other things .. The first 2 things, I look at ARE...

    How many assets does the publisher have ?? In general I feel that the more assets the publisher has
    the more time they have invested in the Unity community, and hopefully the more vested interest they
    have in keeping their assets up to date, because simple math would assume the more assets you have
    on the store the more likely you are to care about your assets and what your user base is like.

    The second thing I look at ( among other variables ).. Is Update Version history...
    fairly simple, the more they have updated it and keep it up to date ( confers they care more )
    meaning there is less chance YOU are taking that what ever is, it will not be deprecated.

    Here again is an asset of higher value being pushed....

    I know I said that was the last post above, and I did mean it.. but While I was out, I thought of
    the search term Ragdoll creator instead of Ragdoll maker, and I wanted to see..
    and yup.. same as above... imho.. /end
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2021
    HoldTheLine likes this.
  10. firstuser


    May 5, 2016
    Y'all are so paranoid lol.

    Yes, assets with more features are often priced higher.
    Since they can do more it's not unusual for them to be recommended/well reviewed since they meet more needs.
    No, the recommendation engine isn't going to mind read your needs that day and perfectly suggest what you wanted.
    Yes, you should probably still vet if an asset is right for you before purchasing if $ is a concern.
    Yes, you will need to scroll down 300 pixels sometimes if a featured asset isn't 100% relevant.

    Nobody @ me anymore this thread is so dumb it should just die out.

    Pixelith likes this.