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Feature Request Add more, or allow for fine tuned increments in UI Scaling in Preferences.

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by domco92, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. domco92


    Aug 24, 2017
    Using a 1440p monitor with Unity 2021.3 LTS at the moment and the majority of the UI sales well, but using components like the (but not limited to!) Particle System are incredibly hard to see.

    Default increments in UI scaling options begin at 125% which renders the rest of the UI far too large to be efficient.

    Suggested improvement, give us smaller incremented scaling options (i.e. 105%, 110%, 115% etc), or add a fine tuning selector for scaling choice.

    Current scaling options:

    Example(s) of particle system UI being too small relative to other options:

    This is likely a low hanging fruit type of improvement, and with high DPI screens decreasing in cost I can't imagine I'm the only one who will be requesting more fine tuning options. Thanks.
    Arlorean likes this.
  2. Arlorean


    Sep 7, 2014
    I'm was just trying to do the same thing. 100% was on the edge of being too small for me but 125% looks too big. 110% looks about right. The EditorPrefs are stored in the registry on Windows at:

    Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Unity Technologies\Unity Editor 5.x

    And the UI Scaling key is this (the number following it may be different, I'm not sure):


    Here is my registry entry after changing it to 225 via the Unity Editor Preferences Window in UI Scaling Section:

    Here is the UI Scaling Section after I'd set it to 125% to test and then set it to 225% to see the update in the registry:

    And here is the UI Scaling Section, after editing the registry entry to 110 and restarting Unity, showing my setting of 110%. It seems to keep it as long as you don't reset it via the Editor:

    I'm using the Segoe UI font, instead of the default Inter font. I changed this by editing:
    C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2022.3.16f1\Editor\Data\Resources\fontsettings.txt

    For English users, change the first line by inserting your chosen font name at the start of the list ahead of Inter, followed by a comma:
    English|Inter-Regular=Segoe UI, Inter, Meiryo UI, Verdana, Tahoma
    Kurt-Dekker likes this.