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Accessing Crash Reports in Xcode Organizer

Discussion in 'iOS and tvOS' started by AbeGellis, Dec 2, 2019.

  1. AbeGellis


    Dec 16, 2016
    We are developing an iOS app using Unity (2018.1.9f1). Unity’s error logging tools have suited our purposes for the most part and we are able to remotely support most live user issues in this way. However we are struggling to retrieve any information when the app completely crashes.

    Many of these crashes are due to memory - we support old devices, and the app is a bit memory-hungry. However, some of these are obviously not (repeated on-startup crashing, for example, or errors in native plugins). The Xcode Organizer Crashes menu has been useful for this sort of concern for native apps we developed previously, with fully- or mostly-symbolicated multithread stacktraces at the moment of termination. Is there any way to connect our Unity app to this system so that we could better understand crash issues in live versions of the app? If possible, we’d like to keep our script call optimization setting at “Slow and Safe” - the app is large, complex, and full-stack; eliminating every possible error would be a significant effort.