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Question Access Gameobjects and Text Assets From a list of Folders

Discussion in 'Addressables' started by Ragavendran, Jun 7, 2020.

  1. Ragavendran


    Nov 24, 2017

    Hi, I'm new to Asset Bundles and Addressable So I couldn't find any way to load the Group or folder and Instantiating the objects inside that folder. Can anyone help how to do this? and also How to download the addressable based on addressableName/PathName

    This My Example,

    Say, I have a parent company "X" and that company will have many hardware as the child, Say "Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor" and inside that hardware i can have some files 3D models and manual. I need to load these hardwares and the available models and manual once i click the company.

    or can it be done in different way? if yes, please let me know that. Thanks in advance