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About Cloth - component . .

Discussion in 'Getting Started' started by jbb1979, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. jbb1979


    Aug 6, 2019

    I'm trying to figure out the ' Cloth ' component there, are two problems . .

    When I pick the ' paint constraints ' it doesn't work, at all, in youtube videos there's a smart cursor, that appears and, you can paint easily, when I click that, it doesn't work, no cursor change, into ' paint ' cursor . . Sometimes when I click the screen, it paints only the bottom ones, with ' paint ' tool but, that's fine, I can just select them individually and, input values but, right now ' paint constraints ' doesn't work, at all . .

    Point I wanted to make was, so I start painting values on and, I notice, there's this nice color indicator, a ' bar ' that goes from red to, green and, when I press a new number, in ' Max Distance ', it changes, all the time so, it's not fixed, I thought it was . . Any-way, I read in Unity Tutorial the ' Max Distance ' represents how ' far vertexes can move, from initial place ', so setting it to place means they get stuck in place and, can't move, at all and, that's how you make sure parts of the cloth can't move, like shoulders on a dress or, shirt . . The higher you set the number, and the ' green-color ' bar constantly changes based on that, so it's useless, I think or, more confusing that, helpful as of now, but okay, it works . .

    So, you need to figure out how far the individual vertixes can move from initial point, in the cloth mesh, like the model, after it goes in-to simulation, that's what it means . . The greater the distance, the more that pixel can move and, behave like a ' cloth ' particle, you can set the for the individual points in the mesh, I used a place I sub-divided in Blender, so, it is divided 8 times, each side, I can then set ' Max Distance ' those particles are allowed to move, from initial point and, the closer to zero, the less they can move . . That's really good, I almost understand it lol lol

    But, when-ever I press ' Play ', to test it, the cloth flies all over the place and, does weird things, it usually ends up pointing towards the ceiling and, then i disable ' gravity ' and, it falls down but, very slowly . . Maybe there's something I don't understand, why doesn't gravity make the cloth fall down, it's like there's some un-seen wind, that pushes it upwards and, I didn't set that, can any-one help . .



    It's like the cloth should just start falling down, towards the ground, where the player is but, it sort of stick up at odd 45 degree angle, upwards, like there's an unseen wind or, force pushing it up in this direction, have I accidentally enabled wind simulation or, so . .

    Thank you . .

    J.b.b. !!
  2. jbb1979


    Aug 6, 2019
    Okay, I figured something out, since ' Paint ' mode doesn't work, I just use ' vertex select mode ' and, can set the individual values of, Maximum Distance ( how far vertixes in cloth can move, from starting point, set to 0 and, one pins a vertex in place, to make it fixed, like attaching clothes, to shoulders or, legs ) and, there's also some-thing called Maximum penetration, which is ' how far an individual cloth particle can, go into the mesh under-neath it, maybe a torso with, a cape over it, the torso then is how far particles can penetrate there, I'm not sure ) . .

    So, I make a plane that's sub-divided and, I fixed two end-point, two corners and, I expect it to behave naturally but, instead of slowly falling down, like a towel connect or, fixed at two corners point, it sort of spins around, like a yo-yo and, ends up moving directly backwards, not affected by gravity but, like there's a strong head-on wind, it looks weird and, I haven't programmed that, does any-one know . .

    I will watch tutorials, It's weird
  3. araz01


    Aug 2, 2016
    yeah, when you have 7000 vertexes, thats not a good time lol