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Interactor - Interaction Handler (Advanced AAA Interactions)

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by razzraziel, Sep 11, 2020.


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  1. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @Artini

    On Final IK version, there is no Interactor IK since it is unnecessary. Because there is Final IK to handle IK. And example scenes will be changed with Final IK versions so you can examine Final IK use cases.

    Yes you can use any controller you want. But for some (Maybe Opsive too), watch out for its own ik handler. Because the system you're using (Opsive etc) can also use IK. That means a confliction. You can only use one IK handler and in this case it should be Interactor. So look around your controller to turn its IK off completely.

    Do you see objects in the screen ui when using your own humanoids with Interactor setup? If you have BasicUI.cs on any object, you should see the objects when they're in your trigger area. If not, that means your character doesn't have rigidbody on it. At least one Rigidbody(on interaction objects or player) is needed for trigger/collider collision detection (Unity's rule).
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2022
  2. Nwy140


    Jul 15, 2017
    Any new Updates for Unity LTS 2021.3.1f1?
    And maybe some basic Vaulting Examples?
  3. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @Nwy140

    Latest update is still work in progress. Actively working on it, will be released soon. No new interactions but improving existing ones.
    Ony and Unleaded-Games like this.
  4. Kayhao


    May 15, 2019
    Hi! Does it support VR with FinalIK? Using VRIK in FinalIK:(
  5. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @Kayhao

    I don't have a VR device and I'm not a VR dev so actually never tested it with that, sorry.
  6. biggmoustache


    Jan 5, 2021
    Howdy bud, Quick easy question for you! Downloading 2021.1.28f from the website only gives 2021.1.28f1. Is this okay to use, or should I use 2021.1.27 just to be safe? I also wasn't sure if above you meant that coming Unity patches would fix the UI problems or if your patches would do that. I think I'll just install the 2020 LTS version lol.

    Sorry to bother you. I hope you are well, and thank you very much for the asset!
    Last edited: May 28, 2022
  7. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @biggmoustache

    Thank you, I'm good.

    Any 2021.1 is fine. Most probably later 2021.2 and 2021.3s are would also fine but not fully tested yet. When I'm on last phase of this update, I will test and make sure it is working fine for all versions including 2021 LTS and 2022.1.
  8. biggmoustache


    Jan 5, 2021
    Very cool to hear, and thank you for the quick reply!
    Glad all is well :]
  9. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
  10. skymeson


    Sep 30, 2016
    I'm having a strange issue I'm hoping you can help me with. I've got a fresh project with release 0.89 with FinalIK enabled. I am trying to replace the UnityArmature with my own PlayerController but when I use a isKinematic= true on my PlayerController, objects like the mug2 do not follow the player properly. If kinematic is false, things work as expected but in my case, I have other issues with the physics. I've been searching around but not understanding why this would be the case. You can reproduce with a clean project by starting out with isKinatic=true on UnityArmature and then making it false after the game has started. I'm attaching an image for reference. Not sure if others are having a similar issue or not?
  11. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @skymeson

    I couldn't reproduce even with kinematic is true all the time on rigidbody of the player (by moving the player with position handles in sceneview). Object is always works as expected. But it can be something in your Unity settings. Because I can get that mug and it follows as expected even without a Player Rigidbody and PlayerController.

    My guess is, it can be something related to Pickable.cs in your case. For example, if picked object has rigidbody and the player also has rigidbody, it tries to get players velocity to object on the pick or drop moments. So you can try changing that.

    Line 90 and 200 @ Pickable.cs
    Code (CSharp):
    1. _intObj.rigid.isKinematic = false;
    2. if (_intObj.currentInteractor.playerRigidbody)
    3.      _intObj.rigid.velocity = _intObj.currentInteractor.playerRigidbody.velocity;
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2022
  12. skymeson


    Sep 30, 2016

    Thank you. I watched the video you made and now try the same thing you did but unparent mug2 from CoffeeCart. I might be going crazy, but I've tried a few times now and seems repeatable. I ran into this because I turned mug2 into a prefab and couldn't figure out what the difference was between the mug in my scene and your scene.
  13. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018

    Tried unparented or prefabbed when kinematic was true, same results without any issue. It may be something with your Editor settings in terms of a Rigidbody/Physics optimization, maybe some mobile settings etc. You can also try with different Unity versions.
  14. skymeson


    Sep 30, 2016
    Thank you. It's not worth worrying about, just trying to figure it out in case it might help uncover a bug, but if it's not reproducible than it must be something on my end.

    You might be able to help me with another question. I was wondering how I can give the player the option between different commands with the same object. For example, if you pick up an object, and you wanted to be able to drop it or throw it. Is that possible?
  15. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    @skymeson Alright... Still, you can send your empty project with project settings (the folder where Assets folder located) so I can try it with your settings as well.

    Right now there aren't many options for Pickups. You can hold them in your hand so they'll follow your animation or you can hold them in a stationary position. You can drop them instantly or in a predefined position if possible. So if you want to add a new behavior (throwing in this case), you can add it to Pickable.cs just like a regular class that you would do. Then you and add a public bool for it too, so you can toggle it from inspector.

    For switching between behaviors in runtime, you just need to change those toggles before you use them. For example you can turn off hold in position toggle just before you use that object, than it will be hold in hand with animation for that interaction. So that's pretty easy.

    If you want different behaviors for different players/npcs, there is a variable in InteractorObject called currentInteractor. It holds the player interactor reference for who starts to use that object. So you can check that interactor and depending on that, you can switch behaviors like above.

    Throwing objects will be added tho, after current update.
    Version 0.94 is finished and I'm currently testing it. Then on v1.0, all interaction types will be removed and replaced with a fully customizable structure. Will post latest changes with a video in a week or so.
  16. CodeWithKyrian


    Aug 17, 2017
    I haven't bought the asset yet. Still waiting for the new release. Going through the thread however, it's really tempting to go buy it now

    Anyway, I have a question about the asset with regard to the triggers for the interactions. Can one change it from the default 'F' or 'Left click' to a custom input

    Also, can you add custom trigger override for each different interaction.

    I'm asking because I was sort of confused when I watched the work flow video on YouTube. In the part where you had buttons 1 - 9 and had interactions for each of them. How do you decide which interaction is going to take place since the only trigger is 'F'
  17. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @CodeWithKyrian

    0.94 is done but videos and documentation are taking longer than expected. Will upload in 2-3 days.

    Yes you can change all inputs, it all depends on your input class. You can easily add stuff like this:
    Code (CSharp):
    1. if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
    2. {
    3.      interactor.StartStopInteractions(yourInteractionObject);
    4. }
    There are example useages as well, you can also modify the example scripts.

    Those 1-9 buttons are selected from upper left list (interactions in your area) with mouse wheel but still it is working in same principle. You can set all your inputs to start interactions. So instead of KeyCode.E, you can use KeyCode.Keypad9 too. So when you press 9, your character can press 9 in the game.
  18. CodeWithKyrian


    Aug 17, 2017
    Oh beautiful!!!

    Hope the new videos and docs include a mobile integration guide and how to set it up with buttons and stuff.
  19. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018

    Right now there is no plan for mobile tutorials because it is not related to Interactor. Any mobile controller tutorial on Youtube or any free mobile controller asset will do your job. But if you have questions about connecting dots, I'll be glad to help.
  20. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi all!
    v0.94 trailer is here, and the update is pending approval. I'll share the details here until Monday.
    Have a nice weekend!

  21. adventurefan


    Jan 17, 2014
    Looks awesome. Been waiting for paths to come out to really take advantage of this!
    razzraziel likes this.
  22. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hey everyone, v0.94 is live and you can download it.

    Here is the full changelog with short videos and pictures:

    So the InteractorPath. Yeah it took a while to develop it. It may looks like a regular bezier solution but it is a lot more than that. It has 2200 lines of code for its editor code to make your development easier. And it works super fast with almost no change in performance. It just gets the middle positions in bezier curves in runtime with few functions.

    And these paths was needed for my next plan. It allows so much flexibility and creativity. You can precisely dedice what to do in any place between your effector bone and the target. You can change your gesture in mid-way, add offset rotations, add as many as segments to your paths, add events to any segment point and make those points follow to any transform in runtime (segments will only update when effector bone is on them). They'll be more powerfull with release version 1.0. Also previous interaction types were improved but not changed too much because they'll be all replaced in v1.0.

    And Final IK users can enjoy the same features because it has better and simpler integration. Workflow is %100 same now. Final IK's interaction system removed which is better for performance because no need for extra scripts. For example, previously you need InteractionObject and InteractorObject at the same time on the objects. Or you couldn't use SceneView gizmos to edit target bones etc. You can still adjust anything in your Final IK settings with your character.

    Also ExtraDebugs.cs is pretty useful. When you experience something wrong, you can add it to your character and see what's going on with that interaction precisely. And you can use them with any screen resolution. You can see as much as data you wish on the screen with flexible controls.

    Documentation is progressively updating and a new tutorial video for InteractorPath is on the way. All will be finished within this week.

    Also there would be a price increase with this update but Asset Store guys had a technical problem with it and it didn't updated, so no price increase for now.

    Let me know if you need anything.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2022
    nirvanajie and Ony like this.
  23. CodeWithKyrian


    Aug 17, 2017
    Hello, I just bought the asset today!. Thanks for the discount by the way.

    However, when I wanted to download it into my project from package manager a few hours later, I discovered that the latest version there was 0.89 and not 0.94 and it puzzled me. I returned to the assetstore and the latest version there seemed to have reverted back to 0.94 too. Are you aware of this please?
  24. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @CodeWithKyrian

    Thank you for your purchase.

    Yeah, right now there is a bug with the Asset Store website because of the sale. Since it just updated before the sale, sometimes it shows v0.94 and sometimes it reverts back to previous version. I'm aware and contacted with them but no luck so far. They're probably quite busy because of the sale.

    So in short, try again later, usually it gets fixed in a few hours. Happened 2-3 times yesterday.
  25. Cuculain


    Jan 31, 2017
    Hello just bought the asset today. I'm a Final IK user so its an interesting project.

    Is there a way to use items that you have picked up without first going back to default state? I mean interactions that build upon the previous. I mean if you pick up a cup and hold it evenly it would be nice to use that position to also maybe fill it and take a sip before putting it down.
  26. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @Cuculain

    Thank you for purchasing it.

    Currently, it is unavailable, so you need to code it yourself if you urgently need it.

    But that feature and more will be available with v1.0. That's actually one of the reasons why I developed InteractorPaths. You'll able to grab an object and do stuff with paths. Pour your coffee, throw an object with desired throwing hand movement or give an item from your left hand to your right hand or give it to another player etc.
    Cuculain likes this.
  27. CaioCabralBR


    Nov 26, 2015
    Has some news to v1.0? Waiting for it! Thnx
  28. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @CaioCabralBR

    It will take a while. And probably there will be middle versions (v0.95 etc) before v1.0. But AI movement to interaction point feature most probably will be available in next update.
    shyamarama likes this.
  29. thedreamer


    May 13, 2013
    AI movemnet? Very interesting.
  30. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Yes, I tried to explain it here.

    julianr likes this.
  31. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Interactor is %50 Off as being a part of Unity Black Friday sale!

    Also I'll keep you updated for the latest update, stay tuned...
    Ony likes this.
  32. swetaraw7


    Feb 19, 2022

    I am waiting for version 1.00
    Can you please tell me when we see v 1.00?
    julianr likes this.
  33. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @swetaraw7

    v0.95 will be released next month December which will include most of the announced features.
    v1.00 will be released in 2023 Q1 with unannounced features.
    julianr likes this.
  34. JuanGuzmanH


    Feb 8, 2018
    Hi! First time here using Interactor. I followed your tutorial and Im able to spawn two interactable hands but when I go to play I have an error. Even if I delete from the scene the spawned prefabs.

    Code (CSharp):
    1. Resolve of invalid GC handle. The handle is from a previous domain. The resolve operation is skipped.
    2. UnityEngine.GUILayout:Window (int,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,string,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
    3. razz.ToolbarGUI:OnScene (UnityEditor.SceneView) (at Assets/Interactor/Scripts/Editor/ToolbarGUI.cs:63)

    Unity 2020 LTS, windows
  35. JuanGuzmanH


    Feb 8, 2018
    Hi Again. Also, when I try to play the exmaple scenes all of them give an error
    Code (CSharp):
    1. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    2. razz.BasicInput.GetHorizontal () (at Assets/Interactor/Examples/Scripts/ProtoMan/BasicInput.cs:76)
  36. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @JuanGuzmanH

    1. Huh, first time seeing this. Do you have any plugins that modified the Unity Editor UI? Is it one time only error or is it spamming every time? First can you import Interactor into new empty project and try again?

    2. It seems you have the new input system but something prevents its instance. What do you have selected in Project Settings>Player>Active Input Handling?

    Also you can test this in new clean project and let me know results.
  37. JuanGuzmanH


    Feb 8, 2018
    Hi. I tried with an empty and fresh Project on the 2020.3.41f1 LTS version on windows.
    - There is no other assets in the project, just my character fbx file with the only idle animation running in the animator, no other scripts or editor tools.

    With my minimal scene setup or with the example 01_Protoman scene I still have the same error just when I hit play:

    Code (CSharp):
    1. Resolve of invalid GC handle. The handle is from a previous domain. The resolve operation is skipped.
    2. UnityEngine.GUILayout:Window (int,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,string,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
    3. razz.ToolbarGUI:OnScene (UnityEditor.SceneView) (at Assets/Interactor/Scripts/Editor/ToolbarGUI.cs:63)
    4. UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
    I tried as you said changing the Active input handling:
    - using the new or both option I have a new error
    Code (CSharp):
    1. Assets\Interactor\Examples\Scripts\InputSystem\InteractorKeys.cs(5,19): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'InputSystem' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEngine' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    - using the old I just have the same error as before.
  38. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018

    1. I'm downloading 2020.3.41 LTS to try. So when you spawn a target, it throws that error every time? Can you explain the steps to reproduce?

    2. Are you using new or old input system?
    Because this error belongs to new input system. It automatically detects, if it is installed, activates the codes that you're having error at. So if you want to try on new project, you need to import New Input System too before changing to new or both from project settings.
  39. JuanGuzmanH


    Feb 8, 2018
    - To have this error you just need to load the example 01_protoman and hit play

    - When I spawn a target using a sphere like in the tutorial nothing happened, no error and there are no script atached to the target.

    - Im using the old input system wich is the default that comes with that LTS release.
  40. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018

    1. Yes I could reproduce the same error. I guess it is specific to that version (2020.3 LTS). And also it could be a Unity bug since there are lots of people reported same error in last two months.

    So it throws that error when your Sceneview Interactor toolbar is opened while entering Play mode or compiling codes. That error is harmless but since it is repeating everytime it can be annoying. You can add this to prevent it when entering Play mode on ToolbarGUI.cs @Line 60
    Code (CSharp):
    1.             if (_hide) return;
    2.             if (EditorApplication.isCompiling) return;
    3.             if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)
    4.             {
    5.                 if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) return;
    6.             }
    And also closing that Sceneview toolbar (by closing the InteractorTargetSpawner) will also prevent it happening.

    2. I couldn't see any problems with Input system.
    This error is only possible if you enabled New Input system, otherwise it shouldn't enable those code blocks. If you're using old input system, be sure it is selected as Input Manager (Old) in project settings.

    Is it giving this same error when you select old and try it in new Unity project?
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
    MarkHelsinki likes this.
  41. Toby31


    Jul 7, 2014
    Hi I'm trying to run some tests to see if Interactor and final Ik are going to be a viable way of implementing ik on our player and A.I alongside the HFPS player. I have it working to some degree but this is not the way as described in the videos and documentation in interactor. I can get the player to auto interact in the proto man demo scene with the wall and doors but nothing else and this is with the interactor ik script attached and basic ui as well as final ik.
    As soon as I take these off the player and leave only the final ik and interaction system the player no longer works with ik.
    I've tried setting up the switch with hfps interact layer and event script to no avail. I thought it could be that there is ik on the hfps player but im still in the process of trying to figure this out as there is limited information.

    Am I missing something for the final ik setup in the demo scene for interactor? do I need to add duplicate rig hands around the demo scene for each interaction or should this just work?

    Could you please do a video on setup with final IK as I think this would be very helpful or is it just as simple as press the final ik button and it should work?
  42. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @Toby31

    I couldn't properly understand your problem. Which player doesn't interact? Is this your character or the demo characters come with example scenes? And what is HFPS?

    What is your Interactor version? Because since v0.94, Interactor doesn't use Final IK Interaction System and directly commands into Final IK to start and stop IK (means Interaction System discarded).

    When you switch to Final IK version of Interactor, all example scenes work with proper Final IK setup characters (Protoman and Unity Armature change with Final IK versions). So there is nothing special or different for Final IK workflow if you look at those characters.

    Let me know if this helps, if not I'll do my best to help you.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2022
  43. Toby31


    Jul 7, 2014
    Sorry HFPS is Horror First Person Shooter an asset on the unity asset store and I'm using there demo character to test if it's compatible with Final IK and Interactor so later I can replace it with my own character.

    I'm using interactor 0.94 and final Ik version 2.1 and unity 2021.3.7f1

    So based of what you have said I've tried resetting up the hfps character without the final ik interaction system script, just final ik and interactor script with no luck

    although when I then add basic ui and interactor ik script from interactor the auto ik in the demo scene for interactor proton man works with the hfps character but no interaction works on pressing E
    if i take the scripts off and leave just the final ik and interactor nothing happens.
    I've added the player layer etc

    not sure if there should be further setup for hfps character to interact or there is ik on the character that needs deactivating but can get it to auto activate in the interactor scene with your scripts attached

    thanks for the help it's greatly appreciated

    Attached Files:

  44. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @Toby31

    So it is a Unity avatar right? I mean it has a humanoid avatar on its Animator? (I thought it was an FPS rig (Generic) with just arms)

    Try this way:
    Put the Interactor (BasicUI, BasicInputInteract, InteractorIK (and Final IK components if you're using the integration)) to parent object where your Rigidbody and Controller exist.
    Then put AnimatorCallback.cs on the child gameobject where your Animator component exist and assign InteractorIK to its slot.

    Let me know the results.
  45. Toby31


    Jul 7, 2014
    Hi Razzraziel,

    Thank you very much for the help it's greatly appreciated.
    It is using unity animator on the child with humanoid avatar on the animator on Hero Root but the parent has it's own Body animator on Hero Body as you can see on the images I posted in previous comment. There is a FPS Rig as well as the full body and you can use both.

    I've set up the character as you instructed and It is showing the interactions in white and red when in range in the left corner and at the switch it is switching the light on and off but there are no ik animation interactions being triggered from the player.

    I am getting this warning saying that certain bones don't match with effector. So do I now need to readd the players own custom effectors?

    Attached Files:

  46. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018

    That means you're trying to interact with a target with different hand/foot bone structure. When you interact, your target needs to be same (finger count, orientations) so you can get hand/foot poses correctly. You can watch the prefab creation tutorial for that.
  47. MarkHelsinki


    Jul 14, 2021
  48. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    Hi @MarkHelsinki

    What was your issue? Same GC handle error when the toolbar is opened? What is your version?
  49. MarkHelsinki


    Jul 14, 2021
    Yes. I'm embarrassed to say that the version is 22.2 :D

    Probably a bit too much to ask that you would be thinking about resolving conflicts with a beta, but it was interesting I thought that this problem persists in the latest version.

    The line is:
    Code (CSharp):
    1. windowRect = GUILayout.Window(1, windowRect, base.WindowBase, WindowLabel,"Box"));
    And the error is:

    Resolve of invalid GC handle. The handle is from a previous domain. The resolve operation is skipped.
    For now, I'll just switch off the spawner.

    razzraziel likes this.
  50. razzraziel


    Sep 13, 2018
    I think it is related to something that they changed/added lately. Usually it will be fixed with release versions (or they fix with a few versions later and update the previous ones too).

    But thank you for the heads up, I'll keep my eyes on 22.2 for that.
    MarkHelsinki likes this.