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Scripting 5.1.0f2 - Can't use behaviour from DLL that inherits from NetworkBehaviour

Discussion in '5.1 Beta' started by Zoey_O, May 30, 2015.

  1. Zoey_O


    Mar 15, 2013
    5.1.0f2 - Can't use behaviour from DLL that inherits from NetworkBehaviour

    In a C# DLL, if you have a class that inherits from MonoBehaviour, its available to be attached to game objects in the editor. Expanding the DLL will show you the MonoBehaviour as a child in the project window. However, with the new Networking DLL, if you inherit from NetworkBehaviour, this is not the case.

    I believe this is a long-standing issue with inheriting from classes that inherit from MonoBehaviours in DLLs. The work around is to place the class that inherits from NetworkBehaviour in the Unity project directly. It would be great if this would be addressed at some point.