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TextMesh Pro 3d Model hides TMPUGUI texts

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by tjPark, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. tjPark


    Mar 19, 2015
    I am using TMPUGUI for ui for an AR app.
    When my AR object come close, it hides TMPUGUI graphic.

    In my screenshot, The TMPUGUI text goes behind of the 3d model sphere. It was ok in Editor but when I run it on android phone the TMPUGUI text blocked by the close 3d Model object. model's object is default and render queue is 2000. Didn't change a specific thing.

    It seems TextMeshPro UGUI does not have any attribute to adjust sorting layer or render queue etcs. or does it have?

    Anybody know solution for this?


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