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2019.1a14 iOS empty project builds a hard crash game

Discussion in '2019.1 Beta' started by 5argon, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. 5argon


    Jun 10, 2013
    This is even before Unity logo shows up, it is a fresh project with just the skybox :

    Screenshot 2019-01-17 13.28.21.png

    * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_ARM_DA_ALIGN, address=0x15610224)

    * frame #0: 0x006ba500 ProductName`::JobQueue() [inlined] atomic_store_explicit<atomic_word2, memory_order_relaxed_t> at ExtendedAtomicOps-clang-gcc.h:124 [opt]

    frame #1: 0x006ba4f8 ProductName`::JobQueue() at JobQueue.cpp:188 [opt]

    frame #2: 0x006bc504 ProductName`::CreateJobQueue() [inlined] JobQueue at JobQueue.cpp:181 [opt]

    frame #3: 0x006bc4ec ProductName`::CreateJobQueue() at JobQueue.cpp:1727 [opt]

    frame #4: 0x006b9580 ProductName`::CreateJobSystem() at JobSystem.cpp:14 [opt]

    frame #5: 0x006e0e7c ProductName`::InitializeEngineNoGraphics() at SaveAndLoadHelper.cpp:206 [opt]

    frame #6: 0x006ef2a0 ProductName`::playerInitEngineNoGraphics() at Player.cpp:382 [opt]

    frame #7: 0x008fae50 ProductName`::UnityInitApplicationNoGraphics() at [opt]

    frame #8: 0x0011ee5a ProductName`::-[UnityAppController application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:](self=0x156f9440, _cmd=<unavailable>, application=<unavailable>, launchOptions=<unavailable>) at [opt]

    frame #9: 0x298a7784 UIKit`-[UIApplication _handleDelegateCallbacksWithOptions:isSuspended:restoreState:] + 392

    frame #10: 0x29acf2d0 UIKit`-[UIApplication _callInitializationDelegatesForMainScene:transitionContext:] + 3080

    frame #11: 0x29ad3284 UIKit`-[UIApplication _runWithMainScene:transitionContext:completion:] + 1588

    frame #12: 0x29ae783c UIKit`__84-[UIApplication _handleApplicationActivationWithScene:transitionContext:completion:]_block_invoke3286 + 36

    frame #13: 0x29ad07b2 UIKit`-[UIApplication workspaceDidEndTransaction:] + 134

    frame #14: 0x2695ac06 FrontBoardServices`__FBSSERIALQUEUE_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 18

    frame #15: 0x2695aab8 FrontBoardServices`-[FBSSerialQueue _performNext] + 224

    frame #16: 0x2695adb8 FrontBoardServices`-[FBSSerialQueue _performNextFromRunLoopSource] + 48

    frame #17: 0x25279dfe CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 14

    frame #18: 0x252799ec CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 452

    frame #19: 0x25277d5a CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 794

    frame #20: 0x251c7228 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520

    frame #21: 0x251c7014 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunInMode + 108

    frame #22: 0x298a0c3c UIKit`-[UIApplication _run] + 524

    frame #23: 0x2989b188 UIKit`UIApplicationMain + 144

    frame #24: 0x00105e9e ProductName`main(argc=<unavailable>, argv=<unavailable>) at [opt]

    frame #25: 0x24e6f872 libdyld.dylib`start + 2


    0x6ba3dc <+0>: push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}

    0x6ba3e0 <+4>: add r7, sp, #12

    0x6ba3e4 <+8>: push {r8, r10, r11}

    0x6ba3e8 <+12>: sub r4, sp, #64

    0x6ba3ec <+16>: bfc r4, #0, #4

    0x6ba3f0 <+20>: mov sp, r4

    0x6ba3f4 <+24>: vst1.64 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r4:128]!

    0x6ba3f8 <+28>: vst1.64 {d12, d13, d14, d15}, [r4:128]

    0x6ba3fc <+32>: sub sp, sp, #160

    0x6ba400 <+36>: str r3, [sp, #0xc]

    0x6ba404 <+40>: mov r4, #0

    0x6ba408 <+44>: str r2, [sp, #0x8]

    0x6ba40c <+48>: movw r2, #0x1bf8

    0x6ba410 <+52>: movt r2, #0x5e

    0x6ba414 <+56>: ldr r2, [pc, r2]

    0x6ba418 <+60>: ldr r2, [r2]

    0x6ba41c <+64>: str r2, [sp, #0x9c]

    0x6ba420 <+68>: add r2, r0, #16

    0x6ba424 <+72>: str r4, [r0, #0xc]

    0x6ba428 <+76>: str r4, [r0, #0x8]

    0x6ba42c <+80>: str r2, [sp, #0x40]

    0x6ba430 <+84>: ldr r3, [sp, #0x40]

    0x6ba434 <+88>: movw r5, #0x5758

    0x6ba438 <+92>: movt r5, #0x5e

    0x6ba43c <+96>: ldr r2, [pc, #0x3ec] ; <+1108> at Semaphore.h

    0x6ba440 <+100>: ldr r5, [pc, r5]

    0x6ba444 <+104>: str r4, [r3]

    0x6ba448 <+108>: mov r3, #75

    0x6ba44c <+112>: str r4, [r0, #0x18]

    0x6ba450 <+116>: str r3, [r0, #0x14]

    0x6ba454 <+120>: str r4, [r0, #0x1c]

    0x6ba458 <+124>: str r4, [r0, #0x20]

    0x6ba45c <+128>: str r1, [sp, #0x10]

    0x6ba460 <+132>: str r1, [r0, #0x24]

    0x6ba464 <+136>: str r0, [sp, #0x14]

    0x6ba468 <+140>: add r0, r0, #44

    0x6ba46c <+144>: str r0, [sp, #0x44]

    0x6ba470 <+148>: add r0, pc, r2

    0x6ba474 <+152>: ldr r4, [sp, #0x44]

    0x6ba478 <+156>: str r5, [sp, #0x64]

    0x6ba47c <+160>: str r0, [sp, #0x68]

    0x6ba480 <+164>: ldr r0, [pc, #0x3ac] ; <+1112> at Semaphore.h

    0x6ba484 <+168>: str r7, [sp, #0x6c]

    0x6ba488 <+172>: add r0, pc, r0

    0x6ba48c <+176>: str sp, [sp, #0x74]

    0x6ba490 <+180>: str r0, [sp, #0x70]

    0x6ba494 <+184>: mov r0, #1

    0x6ba498 <+188>: str r0, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba49c <+192>: add r0, sp, #76

    0x6ba4a0 <+196>: bl 0xb13678 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_SjLj_Register

    0x6ba4a4 <+200>: mov r0, r4

    0x6ba4a8 <+204>: bl 0x53124c ; ::Create() at PlatformSemaphore.cpp:6

    0x6ba4ac <+208>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x14]

    0x6ba4b0 <+212>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x10]

    0x6ba4b4 <+216>: str r1, [r0, #0x34]

    0x6ba4b8 <+220>: mov r1, #0

    0x6ba4bc <+224>: str r1, [r0, #0x30]

    0x6ba4c0 <+228>: add r0, r0, #60

    0x6ba4c4 <+232>: str r0, [sp, #0x48]

    0x6ba4c8 <+236>: mov r1, #2

    0x6ba4cc <+240>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x48]

    0x6ba4d0 <+244>: str r1, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba4d4 <+248>: bl 0x53124c ; ::Create() at PlatformSemaphore.cpp:6

    0x6ba4d8 <+252>: ldr r2, [sp, #0x14]

    0x6ba4dc <+256>: mov r0, #0

    0x6ba4e0 <+260>: ldr r3, [r7, #0x10]

    0x6ba4e4 <+264>: ldr r5, [r7, #0xc]

    0x6ba4e8 <+268>: str r0, [r2, #0x40]

    0x6ba4ec <+272>: str r5, [r2, #0x50]

    0x6ba4f0 <+276>: str r3, [r2, #0x54]

    0x6ba4f4 <+280>: str r0, [r2, #0x4c]

    0x6ba4f8 <+284>: add r2, r2, #68

    0x6ba4fc <+288>: mov r1, r0

    -> 0x6ba500 <+292>: ldrexd r4, r5, [r2]

    0x6ba504 <+296>: strexd r3, r0, r1, [r2]

    0x6ba508 <+300>: cmp r3, #0

    0x6ba50c <+304>: bne 0x6ba4fc ; <+288> [inlined] atomic_store_explicit<atomic_word2, memory_order_relaxed_t> + 4 at JobQueue.cpp:188

    0x6ba510 <+308>: mov r0, #3

    0x6ba514 <+312>: str r0, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba518 <+316>: bl 0x74a108 ; ::CreateAtomicStack() at AtomicQueue.cpp:590

    0x6ba51c <+320>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x14]

    0x6ba520 <+324>: str r0, [r1]

    0x6ba524 <+328>: mov r0, #4

    0x6ba528 <+332>: str r0, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba52c <+336>: mov r0, #15

    0x6ba530 <+340>: bl 0x74a2f0 ; ::CreateAtomicQueue() at AtomicQueue.cpp:1075

    0x6ba534 <+344>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x14]

    0x6ba538 <+348>: str r0, [r1, #0x4]

    0x6ba53c <+352>: mov r0, #5

    0x6ba540 <+356>: str r0, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba544 <+360>: mov r1, #0

    0x6ba548 <+364>: mov r2, #0

    0x6ba54c <+368>: mov r3, #0

    0x6ba550 <+372>: bl 0x6ba864 ; ::CreateGroup() at JobQueue.cpp:1076

    0x6ba554 <+376>: mov r1, #6

    0x6ba558 <+380>: str r1, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba55c <+384>: str r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba560 <+388>: bl 0x74a49c ; ::Tag() [inlined] atomic_load_explicit<atomic_word2, memory_order_relaxed_t> at AtomicQueue.cpp:1112

    0x6ba564 <+392>: ldr r2, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba568 <+396>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x14]

    0x6ba56c <+400>: add r0, r0, #2

    0x6ba570 <+404>: str r0, [r1, #0xc]

    0x6ba574 <+408>: ldr r0, [r7, #0x8]

    0x6ba578 <+412>: str r2, [r1, #0x8]

    0x6ba57c <+416>: ubfx r0, r0, #0x1, #0x1

    0x6ba580 <+420>: strb r0, [r1, #0x58]

    0x6ba584 <+424>: mov r1, #7

    0x6ba588 <+428>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x40]

    0x6ba58c <+432>: str r1, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba590 <+436>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x10]

    0x6ba594 <+440>: mov r2, #1

    0x6ba598 <+444>: bl 0x6baa58 ; ::resize_initialized() at dynamic_array.h:514

    0x6ba59c <+448>: ldr r4, [sp, #0x10]

    0x6ba5a0 <+452>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x14]

    0x6ba5a4 <+456>: mov r1, r4

    0x6ba5a8 <+460>: bl 0x6baaf4 ; ::SetActiveThreadCountTargetImpl() at JobQueue.cpp:907

    0x6ba5ac <+464>: cmp r4, #0

    0x6ba5b0 <+468>: beq 0x6ba704 ; <+808> at JobQueue.cpp

    0x6ba5b4 <+472>: add r2, sp, #128

    0x6ba5b8 <+476>: mov r0, #0

    0x6ba5bc <+480>: mov r5, #0

    0x6ba5c0 <+484>: str r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba5c4 <+488>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x14]

    0x6ba5c8 <+492>: ldr r3, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba5cc <+496>: ldr r0, [r1, #0x10]

    0x6ba5d0 <+500>: add r0, r0, r3

    0x6ba5d4 <+504>: mvn r3, #0

    0x6ba5d8 <+508>: str r1, [r0, #0x40]

    0x6ba5dc <+512>: ldr r0, [r1, #0x10]

    0x6ba5e0 <+516>: str r0, [sp, #0x18]

    0x6ba5e4 <+520>: ldr r0, [r7, #0x10]

    0x6ba5e8 <+524>: str r0, [sp, #0x38]

    0x6ba5ec <+528>: ldr r0, [r7, #0xc]

    0x6ba5f0 <+532>: str r0, [sp, #0x34]

    0x6ba5f4 <+536>: str r5, [sp, #0x3c]

    0x6ba5f8 <+540>: movw r0, #0xe708

    0x6ba5fc <+544>: movt r0, #0x64

    0x6ba600 <+548>: add r0, pc, r0

    0x6ba604 <+552>: str r0, [sp, #0x30]

    0x6ba608 <+556>: movw r0, #0x66bd

    0x6ba60c <+560>: movt r0, #0x4a

    0x6ba610 <+564>: add r0, pc, r0

    0x6ba614 <+568>: str r0, [sp, #0x28]

    0x6ba618 <+572>: mov r0, #11

    0x6ba61c <+576>: str r0, [sp, #0x2c]

    0x6ba620 <+580>: mov r0, #8

    0x6ba624 <+584>: str r0, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba628 <+588>: ldr r1, [sp, #0xc]

    0x6ba62c <+592>: str r5, [sp, #0x20]

    0x6ba630 <+596>: add r0, r1, r5

    0x6ba634 <+600>: cmp r1, #0

    0x6ba638 <+604>: mov r1, #1

    0x6ba63c <+608>: lslge r3, r1, r0

    0x6ba640 <+612>: str r3, [sp, #0x1c]

    0x6ba644 <+616>: mov r0, r2

    0x6ba648 <+620>: add r1, sp, #40

    0x6ba64c <+624>: add r2, sp, #48

    0x6ba650 <+628>: bl 0x60f6d8 ; ::Format<FormatArgs>() at Format.cpp:241

    0x6ba654 <+632>: ldr r4, [sp, #0x80]

    0x6ba658 <+636>: add r0, sp, #128

    0x6ba65c <+640>: cmp r4, #0

    0x6ba660 <+644>: addeq r4, r0, #4

    0x6ba664 <+648>: mov r0, r4

    0x6ba668 <+652>: bl 0xb14d48 ; symbol stub for: strlen

    0x6ba66c <+656>: mov r2, r0

    0x6ba670 <+660>: mov r0, #9

    0x6ba674 <+664>: str r0, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba678 <+668>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba67c <+672>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x18]

    0x6ba680 <+676>: add r0, r1, r0

    0x6ba684 <+680>: add r0, r0, #36

    0x6ba688 <+684>: mov r1, r4

    0x6ba68c <+688>: bl 0x498c74 ; ::assign() at StringStorageDefault.h:76

    0x6ba690 <+692>: add r0, sp, #128

    0x6ba694 <+696>: ldr r4, [sp, #0x40]

    0x6ba698 <+700>: bl 0x458370 ; ::~StringStorageDefault() at StringStorageDefault.h:50

    0x6ba69c <+704>: ldr r0, [r4]

    0x6ba6a0 <+708>: ldr r2, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba6a4 <+712>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x8]

    0x6ba6a8 <+716>: add r0, r0, r2

    0x6ba6ac <+720>: str r1, [r0, #0x20]

    0x6ba6b0 <+724>: mov r1, #10

    0x6ba6b4 <+728>: ldr r0, [r4]

    0x6ba6b8 <+732>: str r1, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba6bc <+736>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x1c]

    0x6ba6c0 <+740>: add r0, r0, r2

    0x6ba6c4 <+744>: str r1, [sp]

    0x6ba6c8 <+748>: movw r1, #0x4c4

    0x6ba6cc <+752>: movt r1, #0x0

    0x6ba6d0 <+756>: mov r2, r0

    0x6ba6d4 <+760>: add r1, pc, r1

    0x6ba6d8 <+764>: mov r3, #0

    0x6ba6dc <+768>: bl 0x74a994 ; ::Run() at Thread.cpp:122

    0x6ba6e0 <+772>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba6e4 <+776>: add r2, sp, #128

    0x6ba6e8 <+780>: ldr r5, [sp, #0x20]

    0x6ba6ec <+784>: add r0, r0, #68

    0x6ba6f0 <+788>: str r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba6f4 <+792>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x10]

    0x6ba6f8 <+796>: add r5, r5, #1

    0x6ba6fc <+800>: cmp r5, r0

    0x6ba700 <+804>: blo 0x6ba5c4 ; <+488> at JobQueue.cpp

    0x6ba704 <+808>: add r0, sp, #76

    0x6ba708 <+812>: bl 0xb13698 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_SjLj_Unregister

    0x6ba70c <+816>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x9c]

    0x6ba710 <+820>: movw r1, #0x18f4

    0x6ba714 <+824>: movt r1, #0x5e

    0x6ba718 <+828>: ldr r1, [pc, r1]

    0x6ba71c <+832>: ldr r1, [r1]

    0x6ba720 <+836>: subs r0, r1, r0

    0x6ba724 <+840>: bne 0x6ba744 ; <+872> at JobQueue.cpp

    0x6ba728 <+844>: add r4, sp, #160

    0x6ba72c <+848>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x14]

    0x6ba730 <+852>: vld1.64 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r4:128]!

    0x6ba734 <+856>: vld1.64 {d12, d13, d14, d15}, [r4:128]

    0x6ba738 <+860>: sub sp, r7, #24

    0x6ba73c <+864>: pop {r8, r10, r11}

    0x6ba740 <+868>: pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}

    0x6ba744 <+872>: bl 0xb13ab8 ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail

    0x6ba748 <+876>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba74c <+880>: cmp r0, #12

    0x6ba750 <+884>: bhi 0x6ba80c ; <+1072> [inlined] Semaphore at Semaphore.h:25

    0x6ba754 <+888>: add r1, pc, #8

    0x6ba758 <+892>: lsl r0, r0, #2

    0x6ba75c <+896>: ldr r0, [r0, r1]

    0x6ba760 <+900>: add pc, r0, r1

    0x6ba764 <+904>: andeq r0, r0, r12, lsr #1

    0x6ba768 <+908>: andeq r0, r0, r0, lsr r0

    0x6ba76c <+912>: andeq r0, r0, r0, asr #32

    0x6ba770 <+916>: andeq r0, r0, r0, asr #32

    0x6ba774 <+920>: andeq r0, r0, r4, asr #32

    0x6ba778 <+924>: andeq r0, r0, r4, asr #32

    0x6ba77c <+928>: andeq r0, r0, r0, asr #32

    0x6ba780 <+932>: andeq r0, r0, r8, asr #32

    0x6ba784 <+936>: andeq r0, r0, r12, asr #32

    0x6ba788 <+940>: andeq r0, r0, r4, rrx

    0x6ba78c <+944>: .long 0x000000bc ; unknown opcode

    0x6ba790 <+948>: andeq r0, r0, r0, asr #1

    0x6ba794 <+952>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x54]

    0x6ba798 <+956>: str r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba79c <+960>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x58]

    0x6ba7a0 <+964>: b 0x6ba7e4 ; <+1032> [inlined] ~Semaphore at Semaphore.h:26

    0x6ba7a4 <+968>: b 0x6ba7c8 ; <+1004> at String.h

    0x6ba7a8 <+972>: b 0x6ba7c8 ; <+1004> at String.h

    0x6ba7ac <+976>: b 0x6ba7c8 ; <+1004> at String.h

    0x6ba7b0 <+980>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x54]

    0x6ba7b4 <+984>: str r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba7b8 <+988>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x58]

    0x6ba7bc <+992>: add r0, sp, #128

    0x6ba7c0 <+996>: bl 0x458370 ; ::~StringStorageDefault() at StringStorageDefault.h:50

    0x6ba7c4 <+1000>: b 0x6ba7d4 ; <+1016> [inlined] ~Semaphore at Semaphore.h:26

    0x6ba7c8 <+1004>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x54]

    0x6ba7cc <+1008>: str r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba7d0 <+1012>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x58]

    0x6ba7d4 <+1016>: mov r1, #11

    0x6ba7d8 <+1020>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x48]

    0x6ba7dc <+1024>: str r1, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba7e0 <+1028>: bl 0x531268 ; ::Destroy() at PlatformSemaphore.cpp:12

    0x6ba7e4 <+1032>: mov r1, #12

    0x6ba7e8 <+1036>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x44]

    0x6ba7ec <+1040>: str r1, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba7f0 <+1044>: bl 0x531268 ; ::Destroy() at PlatformSemaphore.cpp:12

    0x6ba7f4 <+1048>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x40]

    0x6ba7f8 <+1052>: bl 0x6bac88 ; ::~dynamic_array() at dynamic_array.h:211

    0x6ba7fc <+1056>: mvn r0, #0

    0x6ba800 <+1060>: str r0, [sp, #0x50]

    0x6ba804 <+1064>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba808 <+1068>: bl 0xb13688 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_SjLj_Resume

    0x6ba80c <+1072>: trap

    0x6ba810 <+1076>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x54]

    0x6ba814 <+1080>: str r0, [sp, #0x24]

    0x6ba818 <+1084>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x58]

    0x6ba81c <+1088>: b 0x6ba7f4 ; <+1048> at Semaphore.h

    0x6ba820 <+1092>: b 0x6ba824 ; <+1096> [inlined] ~Semaphore at Semaphore.h:26

    0x6ba824 <+1096>: ldr r0, [sp, #0x54]

    0x6ba828 <+1100>: ldr r1, [sp, #0x58]

    0x6ba82c <+1104>: bl 0xb12790 ; __clang_call_terminate$shim

    0x6ba830 <+1108>: subeq r12, r6, r4, asr #13

    0x6ba834 <+1112>: .long 0x000002b8 ; unknown opcode
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
  2. LeonhardP


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 4, 2016
    5argon likes this.