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(2018.3.6f1) Blender to Unity ultra simple basic mesh collider

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by OlivierPons, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. OlivierPons


    Sep 20, 2014

    I've made a simple project:

    - Created a cube in blender
    - Created a project in Unity
    - Added the cube from blender
    - Created an empty, called it "BackgroundContainer"
    - Created a cube, called it "BackgroundCubeStop" with a C# script:
    - Created an empty, called it "BackgroundController" with a C# script: this script has public "GameObject[] Background prefabs" where I put all the Prefabs I want to be instantiated. Then the script, in update, move all those cubes on a line until they hit the BackgroundCubeStop then they start over from their start position.

    Very simple right?

    This is working with basic cubes that have a Box collider.

    Now I want to modify a bit the cube to make it look like this:


    I've done it, and asked Unity do Generate colliders + Preserve Hierarchy like this:


    And this doesnt work. I can't explain it better than sharing my very simple + basic project:

    - You can download the project here, open it, then:
    - double-clic on the scene to open it
    - click on `BackgroundCubeStop` to make is visible in the Scene above
    - then click "play", you'll see the problem!