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0.9.1-preview now available

Discussion in 'Input System' started by dougpunity3d, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. dougpunity3d


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 11, 2018
    ## [0.9.1-preview] - 2019-8-8
    ### Fixed
    - Fixed GC heap garbage being caused by triggered by event processing.
    * This meant that every processing of input would trigger garbage being allocated on the managed heap. The culprit was a peculiarity in the C# compiler which caused a struct in `InputEventPtr.IsA` to be allocated on the heap.
    - The bindings selection popup window will now show child controls matching the current action type even if the parent control does not match.
    - Fixed `duration` values reported for Hold and Press interactions.
    - DualShock 3 on macOS:
    * Fixed actions bound to the dpad control performing correctly.
    * Fixed non-present touchpad button control being triggered incorrectly.
    - Fixed compile issues with switch classes on standalone Linux.
    - Leak of unmanaged memory in `InputControlList`.
    #### Actions
    - Fixed actions not updating their set of controls when the usages of a device are changed.
    - Composite bindings with the default interaction will now correctly cancel when the composite is released, even if there are multiple composite bindings on the action.
    ### Changed
    - `MouseState`, `KeyboardState`, and `GamepadState` have been made public again.
    - `PlayerInput` and `PlayerInputManager` have been moved from the `UnityEngine.InputSystem.PlayerInput` namespace to `UnityEngine.InputSystem`.
    - The signature of `InputSystem.onEvent` has changed. The callback now takes a second argument which is the device the given event is sent to (null if there's no corresponding `InputDevice`).
    // Before:
    InputSystem.onEvent +=
    eventPtr =>
    var device = InputSystem.GetDeviceById(eventPtr.deviceId);
    // Now:
    InputSystem.onEvent +=
    (eventPtr, device) =>
    - The signatures of `InputSystem.onBeforeUpdate` and `InputSystem.onAfterUpdate` have changed. The callbacks no longer receive an `InputUpdateType` argument.
    * Use `InputState.currentUpdateType` in case you need to know the type of update being run.
    - `InputUpdateType` has been moved to the `UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel` namespace.
    - `InputSystem.Update(InputUpdateType)` has been removed from the public API.
    - The way input devices are built internally has been streamlined.
    * `InputDeviceBuilder` is now internal. It is no longer necessary to access it to look up child controls. Simply use `InputControl.GetChildControl` instead.
    * To build a device without adding it to the system, call the newly added `InputDevice.Build` method.
    * `InputSystem.SetLayoutVariant` has been removed. Layout variants can no longer be set retroactively but must be decided on as part of device creation.
    - `InputSystem.RegisterControlProcessor` has been renamed to just `InputSystem.RegisterProcessor`.
    #### Actions
    * `InputAction.ReadValue<TValue>()` is longer correlated to `InputAction.triggered`. It simply returns the current value of a bound control or composite while the action is being interacted with.
    * `InputInteractionContext.PerformedAndGoBackToWaiting` has been renamed to just `InputInteractionContext.Performed`.
    #### Actions
    - Individual composite part bindings can now no longer have interactions assigned to them as that never made any sense.
    ### Added
    - Devices can now have more than one usage.
    * Call `InputSystem.AddDeviceUsage(device,usage)` to add additional usages to a device.
    * Call `InputSystem.RemoveDeviceUsage(device,usage)` to remove existing usages from a device.
    * `InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(device,usage)` still exists. It will clear all existing usages from the given device.
    - A new `VisualizerSamples` sample that can be installed through the package manager.
    * Contains two components `InputControlVisualizer` and `InputActionVisualizer` that help visualizing/debugging control/device and action activity through in-game overlays. A few sample scenes illustrate how to use them.
    #### Actions
    - Added `InputAction.ReadValueAsObject` API.
    - Added `InputAction.activeControl` API.
    MechEthan and recursive like this.