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0.9.0-preview now available

Discussion in 'Input System' started by dougpunity3d, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. dougpunity3d


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 11, 2018
    0.9.0-preview is now available in the package manager. Release notes as follows.

    ## [0.9.0-preview] - 2019-7-18
    ### Fixed
    - Validate all parameters on public APIs.
    - Fixed an internal bug in `InlinedArray.RemoveAtByMovingTailWithCapacity`, which could cause data corruption.
    - Fixed Xbox controller support on macOS il2cpp.
    - Fixed issue of Xbox gamepads on Windows desktop not being able to navigate left and down in a UI.
    - Allow using InputSystem package if the XR, VR or Physics modules are disabled for smaller builds.
    - Fixed documentation landing page and table of contents.
    - Fixed tracked devices assigning pointer ids for UI pointer events correctly.
    - Adjusted some UI Elements to fit the Unity 19.3 font.
    - Fixed NullReferenceException being thrown when project changes.
    - Fixed duplicate devices showing in the "Supported Devices" popup when using a search filter.
    - Fixed an error when adding new bindings in the Input Actions editor window when a filter was applied.
    - Fixed scroll wheel handling in `InputSystemUIInputModule` not being smooth.
    - Fixed inconsistent ifdefs in NPad.cs for the swtich pro controller.
    #### Actions
    - Fixed `CallbackContext.control` referencing the composite member control which was actually actuated for this trigger for composite bindings.
    - Generated C# wrappers for .inputactions assets are no longer placed in Assets/Assets/ folder on Windows.
    ### Added
    - Touch support has been reworked and extended.
    * `Touchscreen.touch[0..9]` are now bindable from the control picker.
    * `Touchscreen.primaryTouch` is now a separate control which tracks the primary touch on the screen.
    * The controls `Touchscreen` inherits from `Pointer` (such as `position`, `phase`, and `delta`) are now tied to `Touchscreen.primaryTouch` and allow for `Touchscreen` to function as a generic `Pointer` (like `Mouse` and `Pen`).
    * `` (renamed from `Touchscreen.button`) is now a working, synthetic button that is down whenever at least one finger is on the screen.
    * Recording of start time and start position has been added to touches.
    - `TouchControl.startPosition` gives the starting position of the touch.
    - `TouchControl.startTime` gives the starting time of the touch.
    * Tap detection has been added to `Touchscreen`.
    - Tap time (i.e. time within which a press-and-release must be completed for a tap to register) corresponds to `InputSettings.defaultTapTime`.
    - Tap release must happen within a certain radius of first contact. This is determined by a new setting `InputSettings.tapRadius`.
    - `TouchControl.tap` is a new button control that triggers then the touch is tapped. Note that this happens instantly when a touch ends. The button will go to 1 and __immediately__ go back to 0. This means that polling the button in `Update`, for example, will never trigger a tap. Either use actions to observe the button or use the `Touch` API from `EnhancedTouch` to poll taps.
    * `Touchscreen.activeTouches` has been removed. Use `Touch.activeTouches` from the new enhanced touch API instead for more reliable touch tracking.
    * `Touchscreen.allTouchControls` has been renamed to `Touchscreen.touches`.
    * A new `EnhancedTouch` plugin has been added which offers an enhanced `Touch` and `Finger` API to reliably track touches and fingers across updates. This obsoletes the need to manually track touch IDs and phases and gives access to individual touch history.
    * Touch can be simulated from mouse or pen input now. To enable simulation, call `TouchSimulation.Enable()` or put the `TouchSimulation` MonoBehaviour in your scene. Also, in the input debugger, you can now enable touch simulation from the "Options" dropdown.
    - Changing state has been decoupled from events. While input events are the primary means by which to trigger state changes, anyone can perform state changes manually now from anywhere.
    InputState.Change(gamepad.leftStick, new Vector2(123, 234));
    * This change makes it possible to update state __from__ state and thus synthesize input data from other input coming in.
    - A new API for recording state changes over time has been added.
    var history = new InputStateHistory("<Gamepad>/leftStick");
    foreach (var record in history)
    - Added support for generic joysticks on WebGL (which don't use the standard gamepad mapping).
    - Added support for DualShock 3 gamepads on desktops.
    - Added support for Nintendo Switch Pro Controllers on desktops.
    #### Actions
    - Actions now also have a __polling API__!
    * `InputAction.triggered` is true if the action was performed in the current frame.
    * `InputAction.ReadValue<TValue>()` yields the last value that `started`, `performed`, or `cancelled` (whichever came last) was called with. If the action is disabled, returns `default(TValue)`. For `InputActionType.Button` type actions, returns `1.0f` if `triggered==true` and `0.0f` otherwise.
    - Generated C# wrappers for .inputactions can now placed relative to the .inputactions file by specifying a path starting with './' (e.g. `./foo/bar.cs`).
    ### Changed
    - **The system no longer supports processing input in __BOTH__ fixed and dynamic updates**. Instead, a choice has to be made whether to process input before each `FixedUpdate()` or before each `Update()`.
    * Rationale: the existing code that supported having both updates receive input independently still had several holes and became increasingly complex and brittle. Our solution was based on not actually processing input twice but on channeling input concurrently into both the state of both updates. Together with the fact that specific inputs have to reset (and possibly accumulate) correctly with respect to their update time slices, this became increasingly hard to do right. This, together with the fact that we've come to increasingly question the value of this feature, led us to removing the capability while preserving the ability to determine where input is processed.
    * NOTE: Timeslicing is NOT affected by this. You can still switch to `ProcessEventInFixedUpdates` and get events timesliced to individual `FixedUpdate` periods according to their timestamps.
    * `InputSettings.UpdateMode.ProcessEventsInBothFixedAndDynamicUpdate` has been removed.
    * `InputSettings.UpdateMode.ProcessEventsInDynamicUpdateOnly` has been renamed to `InputSettings.UpdateMode.ProcessEventsInDynamicUpdate` and is now the default.
    * `InputSettings.UpdateMode.ProcessEventsInFixedUpdateOnly` has been renamed to `InputSettings.UpdateMode.ProcessEventsInFixedUpdate`.
    - Added icons for PlayerInput, PlayerInputManager, InputSystemUIInputModule and MultiplayerEventSystem components.
    - Changed `Keyboard` IME properties (`imeEnabled`, `imeCursorPosition`) to methods (`SetIMEEnabled`, `SetIMECursorPosition`).
    - Added getters to all `IInputRuntime` properties.
    - Replace some `GetXxx` methods in our API with `xxx` properties.
    - `Pointer.phase` has been removed and `PointerPhase` has been renamed to `TouchPhase`. Phases are now specific to touch. `PointerPhaseControl` has been renamed to `TouchPhaseControl`.
    - `Pointer.button` has been renamed to `` and now is a control that indicates whether the pointer is in "press down" state.
    * For mouse, corresponds to left button press.
    * For pen, corresponds to tip contact.
    * For touch, corresponds to primary touch contact (i.e. whether __any__ finger is down).
    - The state change monitor APIs (`IInputStateChangeMonitor` and friends) have been moved out of `InputSystem` into a new static class `InputState` in `UnityEngine.Experimental.Input.LowLevel`.
    * Rationale: These APIs are fairly low-level and not of general interest so having them out of `InputSystem` reduces the API surface visible to most users.
    - `InputDeviceChange.StateChanged` has been removed and is now a separate callback `InputState.onChange`.
    * Rationale: The other `InputDeviceChange` notifications are low-frequency whereas `StateChanged` is high-frequency. Putting them all on the same callback made adding a callback to `InputSystem.onDeviceChange` unnecessarily expensive.
    - `IInputStateCallbackReceiver` has been rewritten from scratch. Now has two simple methods `OnNextUpdate` and `OnEvent`. If implemented by a device, the device now has completely control over changing its own state. Use the `InputState.Change` methods to affect state changes while trigger state change monitors (e.g. for actions) correctly.
    - Simplified handling of XR input in `InputSystemUIInputModule` by having only one set of actions for all XR devices.
    - We now use the same hierarchical device picker in the "Add Control Scheme" popup, which is already used in the "Input Settings" window.
    - Made all `IInputStateTypeInfo` implementations internal, as these did not offer value to the user.
    - Made all `IInputDeviceCommandInfo` implementations internal, as these did not offer value to the user.
    - Removed `ReadWriteArray`, which was only used for making `RebindingOperation.scores` editable, which did not add any value.
    - Removed `PrimitiveValueOrArray`, as non of it's functionality over `PrimitiveValue` was implemented.
    - Made all `InputProcessor` implementation internal, as access to these types is exposed only through text mode representations.
    - Removed `CurveProcessor` as it was not implemented.
    - Renamed XInputControllerOSX to a more descriptive XboxGamepadMacOS.
    #### Actions
    - `InputAction.continuous` has been removed. Running logic every frame regardless of input can easily be achieved in game code.
    - The way action behavior is configured has been simplified.
    * The previous roster of toggles has been replaced with two settings:
    1. `Action Type`: Determines the behavior of the action. Choices are `Value`, `Button`, and `PassThrough`.
    2. `Control Type`: Determines the type of control (and implicitly the type of value) the action is looking for if the action is a `Value` or `PassThrough` action.
    * The previous `Initial State Check` toggle is now implicit in the action type now. `Value` actions perform an initial state check (i.e. trigger if their control is already actuated when the action is enabled). Other types of actions don't.
    * The previous `Pass Through` toggle is now rolled into the action type.
  2. recursive


    Jul 12, 2012
    Y'all have been busy! These all sound like great changes fixes!
    frarf likes this.
  3. Mystical_Pidgeon


    Jun 7, 2016
    Just updated for the xbox controller fixes and now I have a new issue. I have 1 input set up as "Value", "Axis" with 2 "2D Vector" bindings. 1 has W/A/S/D for the directions, the other has leftStick up/down/left/right. Without a controller plugged in, everything appears to work fine. With an xbox 360 controller plugged in, the axis inputs often get stuck. For example: I will push A (or left on the stick) to move left, and when I release I am stuck moving left. Pushing another direction will eventually reset the stick and let it begin taking input again. I have tried adding deadzones and that does not fix the problem.

    This is the code I am using to hook up to the control:
    Code (CSharp):
    1. playerControls.Ship.Direction.performed += ctx => spaceShipController.directionInput = ctx.ReadValue<Vector2>();
    2. playerControls.Ship.Direction.canceled += ctx => spaceShipController.directionInput =;

    Attached Files:

    Sonorpearl, Xilinnilix and seffles like this.
  4. seffles


    Oct 2, 2013
    I just updated to 0.9.0 and have a very similar problem. I have the A/S keys, left/right cursor keys, and the left/right gamepad dpad setup as 1D axes for the same action. Pressing any of the left (positive) controls will now make my ship rotate endlessly. The right (negative) controls work fine, as do all of the other bindings. Downgrading to 0.2.10 fixes the problem immediately.
    Mystical_Pidgeon likes this.
  5. Mystical_Pidgeon


    Jun 7, 2016
    I'm also having issues with .canceled not working for inputs that share a binding (using Space for 2 actions). Reverting to 0.2.10 fixes that too.
  6. Nixaan


    May 30, 2013
    I have the same problems with left/right directions sticking. It is possible to switch directions by holding up.

    As InputAction.phase seems to not work I use ButtonControl to poll InputActions. The issue is that it triggers on several consecutive fixed updates. Next is the actual code I use inside FixedUpdate:
    Code (CSharp):
    1.             for (int i = 0; i < inputAction.controls.Count; i++)
    2.             {
    3.                 if (controls[i] is ButtonControl bc && bc.wasPressedThisFrame)
    4.                 //if (controls[i] is ButtonControl bc && bc.wasReleasedThisFrame)
    5.                 {
    6.                     return true;
    7.                 }
    8.             }
    Reverting to 0.2.10 + Unity restart fixes both issues.
    Mystical_Pidgeon likes this.
  7. Sonorpearl


    Sep 8, 2017
    Same problem here

    There are currently 3 major problems:
    1. When the Xbox Controller, presumably also other Controllers, and the Keyboard are plugged in Movement Keys get Stuck. Only the positive Axis can override the current direction. (See posts above)

    2. If there are multiple callbacks in one frame, only one gets called. Even without a Controller pressing W & A and releasing them in the same moment (On the 10th try) one gets stuck and supplies Movement, while no Key is pressed. See this Thread: threads/mouse-delta-input.646606

    3. The mouse delta is "broken". It returns wrong values, at least not the expected ones, even when setting the Input System to Update Manually and calling the Update in Update or LateUpdate. See this Thread: threads/multiple-callback-in-one-frame.710819

    I really want to use the new Input Manager. Are there any updates on these problems? @dougpunity3d @Rene-Damm

    With friendly Regards
    Jan aka. Sonorpearl
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2019
  8. recursive


    Jul 12, 2012
    I can't even find the 0.9.0 version listing on the 2019.3a8's package manager window.
  9. Sonorpearl


    Sep 8, 2017
    Try to use 2019.3.0a10. It is also there on 2019.1.11f1.
    recursive likes this.
  10. Nanorock


    Dec 2, 2012
    I upgraded to this 0.9 version.
    I'm using Mouse.current.WarpCursorPosition to modify cursor position given a gamepad leftstick.
    So I was able to control UI like a mouse.
    However this is now broken, the UI does not seems to react to WarpCursorPosition anymore. (It did in 0.2)

    Also I read mention of InputState. I can't find such class in the API

    [Solved] I added InputSystem.QueueDeltaStateEvent(Mouse.current.position, cursorPosition) which forced the UI to react
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
  11. Jawsarn


    Jan 12, 2017
    Any specific reason why "InputAction.continuous" was removed? Before I could handle all input similarly in code with .performed, storing and resetting after using it. Now I have to look at each input and see if it is a "triggering one", "accumulating one" or "only last frame" , using .performed and canceled on some and resetting some after use.
  12. Deleted User

    Deleted User


  13. Tyndareus


    Aug 31, 2018
    As Jawsarn just said, why remove it? it makes more sense for input to be event based; of course the actual actions are ran through a fixed update and we could do the same but people don't want a project with an input class thats complete spaghetti.
    Its a little too close to the old system, except replace searching by string for a known type.
  14. DrSeltsam


    Jul 24, 2019
    I have to agree to @Jawsarn and @Tyndareus about the "continuous" flag. It makes the code more tedious and results in more overhead if we have to implement the "continuous" behaviour in our code. Is there a chance of getting the continuous setting back?

    I tried to create a custom Interaction (like the default PressInteraction before continuous was dropped), and was hoping that calling "context.PerformedAndStayPerformed()" would give a similar behaviour like "continuous", but that did not work unfortunately...
    AlphaDreams and Mystical_Pidgeon like this.
  15. rz_0lento


    Oct 8, 2013
    I'm curious why the sudden version bump? Feature wise, when looking at previously posted roadmap this looks like what we would have expected 0.3 to be.

    I'm personally still waiting for these items marked for 0.4:
    dzamani, seffles, AlphaDreams and 2 others like this.
  16. Ofx360


    Apr 30, 2013
    Loving the action.triggered addition!

    Was hoping the UI/UX bugs in the Action Editor would be better with such a big version number jump. Specifically things like not being able to easily reorder the actions or collapsed actions reopening after doing anything in the window still being issues kinda sucks

    Also running into an issue where, after a couple directional inputs, additional directional inputs no longer register when i include gamepads. I'll double check that it's specifically when i include gamepads to the action, but it started when i did that.

    Edit: Actually this might be the issue i'm having -
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
    OFG and Mystical_Pidgeon like this.
  17. Stephano


    May 10, 2013
    Rebinding UI can be found in the tanks demo. Not sure about multiplayer UI.
    rz_0lento likes this.
  18. OFG


    Dec 6, 2017
    This is true i think , When i add gamepad and keyboard , this issue happens.
    But when seperate gamepad and keyboard into their own control schemes , and activate one of them with InputUser it does not happen
  19. OFG


    Dec 6, 2017
    Can anybody explain how to set up dynamic hold duration for a binding? I want to change the hold duration in run time.
  20. OFG


    Dec 6, 2017
    I think there is no option for changing the interactions parameters in runtime. We should be able to add , remove , modify interactions of processors in runtime not just in while editing the input action assest.

    Pls if someone know how to do this , help.
  21. jonas-echterhoff


    Unity Technologies

    Aug 18, 2005
    This should be fixed in the next release.
  22. jonas-echterhoff


    Unity Technologies

    Aug 18, 2005
    InputAction.continuous was confusing to deal with wrt to _when_ it would and should fire callbacks. It was tempting to use it for eg, moving a player continuously, but depending on how the input system is configured, this could be called at different places (The Input System can be configured to run in either dynamic or fixed update), which can quickly result in unintended behavior. Depending on _what_ you want to drive (game logic or UI for instance), you may want a different update position. So, it is better and more controllable to keep your update logic in a place where it is clear when it gets called. But we added a polling API for actions (`InputAction.ReadValue<TValue>()`), which should make this as easy as using continuous callbacks was.
  23. jonas-echterhoff


    Unity Technologies

    Aug 18, 2005
    We consider 0.9 to be feature complete, and expect to only add bug fixes and documentation work from here to 1.0.

    You can see an example of this in the tanks demo (but I hope that we will improve this sample before shipping).

    This refers to the `InputSystemUIInputModule` component, which lets you drive the Unity GUI system using the new Input system, so you can have UI in your game without requiring the old InputManager to be enabled. "Multi-Player" in this context refers to having multiple instances of UI on a single screen, driven by different controllers (for split-screen multi-player), which is possible using the `MultiplayerEventSystem` component.
    rz_0lento likes this.
  24. Lars-Steenhoff


    Aug 7, 2007
    Hope you did not forget the Wacom pen pressure and angle support.
  25. jonas-echterhoff


    Unity Technologies

    Aug 18, 2005
    You cannot change interactions of existing actions at runtime, but you can always create new actions with any interactions you want at runtime:

    Code (csharp):
    2. var pressAction = new InputAction("PressAction", binding: "<Gamepad>/leftTrigger", interactions: "press(pressPoint=0.234)");
    OFG likes this.
  26. Sonorpearl


    Sep 8, 2017
  27. AlphaDreams


    Jan 21, 2015

    I think that's work when you do everything manually, but how can I use it with PlayerInput ? Because my project is based on the messages that PlayerInput send, but now it doesn't send it every frame, so my project is kind of broken now, is there any solution to bypass this ?