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[0.8.4] Case 1153671 - Prefab with no sprite kept loaded causes other prefab to be pink

Discussion in 'Addressables' started by chanon81, May 11, 2019.

  1. chanon81


    Oct 6, 2015
    This one actually might be the same thing as Case 1153590 (

    It may just be another way to reproduce the same thing, but this one is so easy to reproduce it surprised me.

    Using Addressables.InstantiateAsync / Addressables.ReleaseInstance
    - MyPrefab2 which is just an empty gameobject is instantiated
    - MyPrefab1 which contains a spriterenderer is instantiated, all is still fine
    - The instance of MyPrefab1 is released
    - MyPrefab1 is instantiated again. This time it will be pink.
    - MyPrefab2 instance is released
    - MyPrefab1 instance is released and instantiated again. This time it will be normal.

    After working around for previous bugs, I still have some pink objects in my game upon 2nd load of the game level. After reproducing this one and seeing how basic it is though, I can't continue as this one is so basic. My game might be surfacing other bugs though, so will need to wait until this is fixed.

    While finding these bugs, I also found bugs in my own code too, so at least it was productive.
  2. chanon81


    Oct 6, 2015
    BTW the same thing happens for this case and 1153590 if Addressables.LoadAsset/Release are used to load prefabs and then instantiate from the prefabs (which is how my game actually does it).
  3. unity_bill


    Apr 11, 2017
    Thanks for the repro. we'll look into it.